Chapter 1

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Fanfiction- Chapter 1

"Fuck Jazmin Your so tight"With that everything all went black. Yes, I had an abusive "Boyfriend".

No, If i leave him its still going to be the end of the world for me. I cant leave I'm his girlfriend but  it feels more like if I was his sex slave. Period, Boom it came out like lighting had struck. I had moved to Australia my dream place since age 12, and met him were he took me to Sydney still  in Australia But I'm still in highschool. "Hey Wake the Fuck up your moms here!" I heard Jason scream.

"and you better not Fucking tell her what i Fucking did to you okay?" I simply nodded i walked out while I passed he had smacked my ass really hard I squealed which was more like a scream. I walked out my mom was outside. "Hey Jazz Did you have fun?" I wish I could say No.

"Yes Mum! It was great!" I lied.

she drove me and left because of some work. More and More work had my Mom freaking busy. My dad well I only see him after 7pm because he works late. Sometimes. I hate the feeling of being with my family. Its nice and all but I like being alone. Knock! Knock! "PEACHESSSS!!!!!!" I heard someone at the door the voice well i already knew who it was. Michael. Michael G Clifford. He's my Best friend since I was basically 12. "Come in!!" I yelled from the top of my lungs. "Hey peaches! Where were you earlier?" He says. He calls me peaches i like it when he does but when he asks me where I was my smile turns into a frown. Sadly but calm I say " Jason's."

"What the fuck Jazmin you are still with him!" He Yelled. I hate when he yells. I simply Nod, But i start Crying. "Peaches don't cry I'm sorry i didn't want to yell at u like that I'm so sor-" I interrupt him "It wasn't you Mikey it was him." The Next thing I know he's running out the door. "shit Michael your too nice damn!" I said as i chased him to Jason's house "Michael! Michael!" I yelled he then came out of Jason's house. "Your never going to see that fucking boy ever again because I'm not going to fucking let you see him no more all he does is fuck you I'm fucking getting tired of it Peaches and all you want to do is cry about it its okay if you do but i cant and i wont see u cry no more Fuck Jason okay Fuck him! I'm fucking done with his shit okay you are staying over at my house tonight until your mom gets back and I'm telling your mom! And i don't want you to say anything else about him or any one okay?" "okay." I sighed. As we walked home we came across a really big sign that said "KEEP OUT" i read it out loud but i knew this wasn't even the way to Michaels house or mine well were neighbors. "where the hell are we Mickey?" i asked him i was quite scared. why? Because he just got done snapping in me. "You'll see" he simply said. I walked behind him holding his had. I loved holding his hand but I hated when people would say something related  to love, Anyways back to the point we stopped and I kinda recognized this place. Im not exactly sure why but I just do. I flash back when through my head while i saw a teddy bear on the floor. "HOLY SHIT MICHAEL, remember this damn place when we first meet October 14th 3am. Oh one chilly day it was.  October. Fall. I Remember the first time i saw you here after a while we started hanging out more it was amazing Michael. Amazing." I simply spoke my mind. "WOW Peaches you remember everything! Give Mickey a got damn hug!" those words just made me smiled. I could i forget the day i met the guy live now as a friend. He was 2.5 ft taller than me so i liked how his hugs felt, nice and warm.

"peaches?" He mumbled.

"yes?" i replied.

"lets exchange secrets! A thing we hadn't done since Age 15 you know." I nodded with excitement and sat in the ground which made him follow. "Whats my best future?" he asked. For me that's easy. "your eyes or your smile what about me?"

"Your eyes your face, your curves your everything!" he said spacing off. All i did was smile. We went on and on and on till one that I've never  told nobody. "Who do you like?" was the question. I really wanted to say him but I'm scared he's never going to talk to me again. With that i got up and sighed. He followed, we started walking home again but he asked again. We were in the middle if the street were our houses divide. "You! I like you but i didn't want to tell you cause what if you start hating me and never talk to me again?" i  questioned as i ran inside not wanting to hear his response. I closed the door with my back sliding down to the floor. "Oh no! I dont kniw what to do Im ju-" i was interrupted my knocks at the door "peaches open up! Please! Okay well i know your in there but i like you too well i don't like you i love you peaches you mean the world to me and actually i was getting ready to tell you alk this but you ran in- just please open the door!" I could hear him. I was shocked I've never heard "I love you" come out his mouth. Never. I Got up and slowly opened the door he was walking slowly to his house "MICHAEl! I yelled. "I- I - you love me?" i asked just to make sure. "Peaches I've always lived you but i didn't have the courage to say it to you." he whispered "I love you too!" i ran up to him and gave him the tightest hug i had ever gave him.

"Are you still staying over?" his eyebrows all Crunched up. "Duh!! Come help me pack!! Goofy!!" i sad running inside and him after me. "So whens your Mama coming back?" he asked while i packed. "You'll be stuck with me 3 or 4 weeks!" i answered.

"Wow! That's A lot of time to hang out with my favorite girl!!" he hummed. "yep!" i said walking off to the bathroom. I tied my hair in a loose messy bun. Mikey likes when i do it so i do it. Once i came out i heard him singing. He was singing something i believe is "Lego house" i loved that song, he was also playing my guitar. I let him finish before i walked in. "Wow Clifford i live your voice and i didn't know you knew played guitar!" i Complemented.

"Uh, mhm yep i do and i kinda wrote you a song but I'm not going to play it" He mumbled.

"Aww really! Please play it!" i begged him. I kept begging him but he wouldn't play it. "Fine, but lets go now!" we walked out i put on my red vans and tied them up grabbing the keys from the table and closing the door to lock it. After i locked the door. Me and Michael walked his crib. When we walked in i saw a mess. A huge mess. "Um sorry about the mess ba-peaches" was he about to say babe. "Its okay but i have an idea." I had and idea before we did anything else it includes cleaning up."We should clean up this mess before we do something else" I laughed. "And no buts" i mentioned before he even said a word. He simply nodded. I already knew where his stuff where. I grabbed the duster and handed it to him. "what the fuck an i going to do with this?" he asked in confusion. He didn't know how to clean. I'm laughing my ass off.  "Oh goodness Mr. Clifford Doesn't know how to clean" But he ignored and started dusting i sat down on the ground where magazines, posters, socks, and other stuff were scattered all over. I put them in piles and put them in Michael's room. I saw one of Michael's snapback i ran to it and put it on i looked in the mirror and modeled. I had to admit it looked good on me. I put on "Don't stop" and started dancing. "Don't stop doing what your doing every time you move to the beat it gets harder for me and you know it know it know it" with that Michael walked in and started singing. "Woah look at this hottie with my snapback!" he said taking it off. I just laughed  and got back to the cleaning. After a while we had finished.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2014 ⏰

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