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She was lying down. Bloody nose. I held her hand. "M-mike~ don't forget about me." She said. "I will never, I promise." I said. Sadly she was now stuck in the upside down. We had to find a way to get her back. I wanted her back.. "Mike we don't know what to do!" Lucas said. We started fighting. "I just want her back." I cried. They have me a hug..


Your pov

I was back. hopper, my uncle, found me and we went to his house in the forest. I haven't seen the boys in forever. Hopper said that the boys were at his house. We walked in. "Well Mike is here but the other boys will be here soon." He said and I nodded. Hopper told me were Mike was. I walked to the room and looked through the door. It was opened a little. It was mike and a girl. They kissed. I used my powers to pull her back and fall. I walked says from the door and quickly wiped my nose.

"MIKE! SOMEONE'S HERE TO SEE YOU!" hopper shouted. Ouch my ears. Mike walked  out and looked at me. "Y/n? I-is that you?" He said. "Yes.. it is." I said and he ran up to me and hugged me. Hopper stopped jane from using her powers. "A-are you ok?" He asked. "Yeah.." I said and I was so happy to see him again. The boys then walked in and hugged me. "Y/N YOU'RE BACK!!" they shouted in excitement. I smiled happily.

I then caught up with everyone. There was another girl named max. "Hi y/n, I'm max, I've heard about you. They really missed you." She said and I shook her hand and smiled. She looked surprised. "Why do you look so surprised?" I asked. "Well, when I greeted Jane, she didn't shake my hand..." she whispered and I nodded.

I went outside to get fresh air. Mike walked next to me. "I'm happy you never forgot me." I said and looked at him. He looked at me. "I would never forget about you." He said. "You did forget about our- r-relationship..." I said and looked down. He patted my back. I hit his arm. I was crying. "I'm sorry, I need to stop.. you and Jane are a cute couple." I said. "Y/n.. I-i still love you." He said. I looked at him. "Hi you dont.. it's ok of you don't, I'll move on." I said and walked away to just walk around.

He walked with me. "Mike, you don't have to walk-" he then stopped me by kissing me. "Does that prove that I still love you." He said. I didn't know what to say. So i just kissed him back. I felt bad but I still loved him as well.

- 480 words

𝓕𝐢𝐧𝐧 𝓦𝗼𝐥𝐟𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐢𝗺𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 2Where stories live. Discover now