Can a selkie mend his broken heart?
After a car accident results in the loss of his family, memories, and empathy, Lee Kangmin finds himself trapped in a colorless world. Once considered a miraculous recovery case of retrograde amnesia, he is now on...
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• Ariadne •
Well? Raen asked.
Well, what? I replied.
What were you thinking? Someone could have skewered you today!
But I wasn't.
That's not my point. Did you honestly think that what you did was fine? No. Don't answer that. You must have been frozen in fear.
I really don't need this right now. If you want to psychoanalyze someone, I know a seahorse that's just dying to be someone's test subject!
You know that's not my intention. I'm trying to understand you, Aria. Something in the sand? I know you better than that. You're usually more alert when we're on the surface.
If this is supposed to be your idea of a lecture, it's horrible. If I wanted a lecture, I'd ask my mother for one and last time I checked, you're not her.
A moment of silence passed before Raen began speaking once more. We can't go up to the surface again. That human has seen you and we need to alert the pod so we can begin the transfer to another location. It will displease the elders.
Don't you think I know that?
How long are you going to be mad at me, Aria?
Depends. When are you going to stop talking?
When will you learn humans aren't to be trusted? I swear by Llyr, sometimes you can be really stupid.
If he wanted to hurt me, he would've called somebody over right away. Or he would've done something himself. You saw him. There was no malice.
Do you hear yourself? You're asking me to trust some human I don't know, that we don't know. It's not in our nature to befriend humans. You, of all people, ought to know that based on the hell your father put your mother through.
Enough! I raised my hand up as I pushed Raen back with a wall of water. You think that since we've known each other for a century, you suddenly know me well? Think again! I took a deep breath, trying to calm the anger that was toiling inside me. His words were like knives cutting into me.
I will go speak to the Elders so you have nothing to worry about.
Aria, I shouldn't have—
Before I could hear him finish his sentence, I swam away, leaving a trail of bubbles in my wake. I was grateful I was in my seal form because no one could see the distress on my face. The feelings could easily be erased, just like my trust in Raen.