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You are a YouTuber, you have about 19 million subscribers, you don't do one specific thing, you touch on a little bit of everything, from asmr to makeup. You love your job, and love your fans. You love doing stupid skits, and seeing your fans laugh, you could never or would never ask for more. Tonight your friend Amy convinced you to get out of the house and hangout out with her friends. Although you are used to people you aren't as used to going to bars. Normally when you drink you do it in the privacy of your own home, whenever you drank, you drank.

" (Y/N), hurry up!" Amy screams to you from downstairs.

"I'm coming." You say rushing down her stairs after using the bathroom. You guys both run and get in the Uber. You were dressed to impress tonight, you didn't have a specific reason, you just wanted to feel confident.

You had a sparkly, red gown on, it was beautiful and when you stepped foot out of that Uber you already knew heads were gonna turn.

The second the Uber stops Amy pushes you out of it and you almost trip, you fix your dress, check your hair, and start walking like you were the only one, and bitch you were the only one.

You let Amy in front of you quickly, she soon sits at a table, there were about 10 people, you were glad there weren't anymore. You were scared to make a bad impression on them.

"(Y/N), this is Brian (Katya), Brian (Trixie), Daniel (Milk), Matthew (Pearl), Willam (Willam), Deven Green, and Sang-Young (Kim Chi)." Amy said pointing at them.

"Yea, I know- do you think I'm an uneducated person who has never seen drag race?" You laugh.

"Hey ummm... (Y/N) can I get your autograph?" Someone says to you from behind.

"Yeah, oh my god absolutely." You pull out a sharpie from your bra.

"Thank you so much!" She says pulling up the side of her shirt, you sign her stomach. You give her a hug and smile.

"Sorry." You say to the people at the table, after she left.

"Oh no its fine." Trixie smiles.


The night goes on, at this point it just became a meet and greet, it was very late and everyone had left, except for Katya.

"You don't have to watch me do this..." You say to him in between fans.

"I know. " Brian says. When everyone was talking, you and Brian had similar view points. A few fans came up to him, and also with some of the queens when they were still here.

You kinda thought Brian was cute, but you knew he was gay and you were pretty sure he liked the other Brian. But you knew Trixie had a boyfriend, since Amy filled you in before you went.

After there was no one left in the line that had formed, you order yourself a shot of vodka, you normally don't drink if there might be fans, but right now you didn't care.

You finally sit back down, and see Brian on his phone.

"Hey (Y/N), do you want to go find a smaller table since it's just us?" Brian suggests looking up from his phone.

"Sure." You say, you guys walk over to a table for two.

"So tell me about what you do? Don't tell me you fucking work at McDonalds bitch. Wait. Do you do adult films?"

"Haha no. Its not very impressive but I'm a YouTuber."

"With a body like that you should be doing adult films." He said looking you up and down, or at least as far as the table would let him. "You must have a lot of subscribers to be recognized that much. "

"Yea... " You say nervously.

He smiles at you. "Hey i need a smoke, wanna join?" He asks.

"Yea." You say getting up grabbing your purse. You walk towards the door, and you notice him checking you out behind you. You go to grab the door but he speeds up to open it.

"Thanks. " you smile. He leans against the brick wall and pulls one out.

"Can I bum one?" You ask. He gives you one, you put it in your mouth and he lights yours and his.

"I never would've guessed you smoked." He says exhaling smoke.

"I normally don't in public, because I have a child audience for the most part, which is why I don't drink in public."

"Oh that must suck, but at least you love your job."

"I do, god I really love it." You exhale.

"I can tell, you did a whole meet and greet for free, for a few hours straight."


You guys stand there talking for another 30 minutes. Until you see the time, it was almost 4, you needed to film later today. Unless you can get a vlog out and put filming off for a day.

"Shit." You mutter quietly.

"What's wrong?" He asks, his eyes filled with concern.

"Its- I- nothing, It's that I need a guest to film with me later today, and I literally haven't asked anyone..." You stand there and think for a second. "Wait... Do you think you'd be able to come over at noon?" You ask.

"Sure. What are we gonna do?"

"Bake a cake, but make it very wrong." You laugh, thinking of past episodes.

"Mama, I can make anything wrong." He says in his Maureen voice. You guys both laugh. "You look tired, let me get you an Uber, baby."

"I'm fine."

"No, you literally work yourself silly."

"But I'd rather talk to you." You attempt fighting your blush, but it still shows.

"You can talk to me anytime. What's your number?" You guys exchange numbers. You put yourself as '(Y/N) ❤' and he put himself down as 'Brian 💋💞'.

He orders you an Uber and you say your goodbyes and delibiberate what just happened.

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