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'hey (Y/N) are u awake?' you read in the middle of trying to eat and watch Bohemian Rhapsody.

'yea Brian it's 1 fucking pm lol'

'well if I didn't have to podcast today I'd be asleep.'

'lazy ass smh. Anyways what did u need?'

'I was wondering if you wanted to come podcast with Craig and I.'


'yay! Let me send you the address.'
*address sent*

'I'll be over in 15?'

'sure! Hurry I can't wait to see you!'


"Y/N!" Brian screams and run towards you, you guys hug and your legs wrap around him. "I needed to talk to you about something." he whispers in your ear.

He drops you down, and he starts talking. "so I'm bi. I guess I've been too used to trying put myself in a box. 'a gay cis-male drag queen'."

"im glad you trust me enough to tell me. I'm glad you've come to a comfort level with yourself." he pulls you into a hug.

He takes a sharp inhale before he starts talking again. "I like you a lot and I would love to-"

"yes." you say cutting him off. "fuck. Sorry."

"-take you on a date." he finished smiling. "tomorrow night, 7, I'll pick you up." you nod quickly and you guys head up to find Craig.

"hey, you must be the infamous (Y/N) I've been hearing so much about." he said, and you smiled brightly at him with the equal amount of positivity.

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