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You get out of the Uber, walk up to your door and unlock it. It was your dream home, you had several homes around the U. S. but this one was always your favorite.

Although you only had 19 million subscribers you had a lot more views on each video.

You head up to your bedroom and lay there. You felt exhausted. But the second your mind started drifting off you thought about Brian. He was gay.... You knew that, but why did he have to lead you on? You lay there and try to sleep but every time your mind goes back to him.

'4:33 am' your phone says. "Fuck." You decide you can at least pick out an outfit and chug down some coffee before he comes.

You needed to text him to make sure he was in drag tomorrow just to clarify but you didn't want to text him first. Fuck it.

'Hey, just to clarify- can you come in drag tomorrow? And wear something that can get messy?'

'absolutely, if not I'm just a boring old white guy. Why are you still awake?'

'Why are you still awake?'

'Haha good one. If you want to I can pick you up in a few hours and we can go get coffee?' He offers.


'see you then ❤'

Now you had to worry about what to wear, fuckkkkkkkk. You wanted to be casual but also fancy, but like also impressive but normal, you kinda felt like a basic white girl. Ugh.

You finally decided on an outfit. It was a crop top hoodie, and high wasted jeans. You normally didn't go this casual but it made you look good, so you didn't care.

Then for makeup. You loved getting your makeup done, you loved seeing other people showcasing the way they do their makeup compared to you. You called up one of your favorite MUAs, Mathu Andersen.

You had his phone number from past events you had been at. You call him up, and he was over quickly. You guys proceed to have great conversations, very plain but also funny from time to time.

You insist on paying him but he won't budge. When he isn't looking you slip $2000 in one of his makeup bags. In perfect timing, you get a text from Brian.

'You ready? I know I didn't set a time sorry.'


'On my way.'

'I didn't tell you my address."

'Amy gave it to me.'


With the mention of Amy you get a call from her.

"Hey, what's up with you and Brian?" she says in a flirtatious

"He's gay. Don't be stupid."

"With the way he was talking about you bitch it didn't sound like he was still gay. Hahahah. "

"Whatever. Bye."

"Have fun on your date."

There is soon a knock and you're greeted by a woman, well kinda.

"Hi, did you know I'm a woman now?" Katya says. Katya pulls you into a hug, her hands dangerously close to your ass, your heart flutters for a moment until you pull away.

<Katya's mug>

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<Katya's mug>

"Bitch look at you." katya says getting your hand and spinning you in a circle.

You walk out a bit and turn saying "I guess we're gonna have to see who's the prettier woman."

"You're on bitch." she laughs. "Ready?"

"Yup. Let me get my shoes. Come in. Put your stuff down. And follow me." you say frantically. You assume her bag has Brian's stuff.

Once he appears behind you, you give him a quick tour of the rooms you pass by. Then finally, your room. It was ideal, cute little rustic theme.

Your closet was neat all except for a pile of clothes in a corner.

"I love how the house is fucking perfect except for that pile of clothes--oh fuck those shoes." he says picking up a red and black sparkly Louboutin.

"have them. They are too big, way too big." she slips them on. Perfect f*CKING fit. "those look good."

She lifts a leg over her head. You slip your classic black Louboutins on and you guys are soon at Starbucks chatting. It was 10:30 so after finishing up you guys decide to go on the streets.

Katya randomly asks strangers who was more of a woman. You end up with a great f*CKING blog.

"hey kats, I have footage here do you still wanna-"

"Yes." she says cutting you off enthusiastically. "Sorry." she says putting her hand over her mouth concealing a smile. You bust out in laughter.

You guys film baking a cake, it ended up burnt with Katyas baby's hands and Deborah (the third eye) in it the frosting was brown, due to the wonderful color scheme from katya, but you guys decided to feed it to each other, then to make out with it in yalls (sorry I'm Texan af) mouths, it was messy but on the plus side his hands were on your ass so... win, win? You guys were messy as fuck but it was the funnest video you've ever filmed.

You guys take a mirror photo for Instagram teasing the video. You hear katya transforming into Brian until you hear "Fuck!".

"you good?" you ask through the door.

"Yea, you can come in." you open the door to find him shirtless, and you thought you were going to pass out.

After you guys are both changed he decides to head home. You sit down on your couch wondering what he would look like naked.

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