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Since there wasn't enough room in either car to fit all of them, Q decided to drive separately. With only sixteen hours until the Insight helicarriers were set to launch, the plan was to get back to the Triskelion, use Sitwell to bypass the DNA scan and access the helicarriers directly. While another, easier option would be to use Dawson - Q had no idea where he was nor was he answering his phone.

Glancing in her rearview mirror, she saw that Sam's car was still behind her. They were following her back to the Triskelion from the parking garage where they interrogated Sitwell. Or rather, Steve interrogated him. She had to say, seeing him use his Captain Voice in real life made her feel very attracted him. There was something about a man who could command a room...or rather a person and get the desired information out of them.

Not wanting to get too distracted by thoughts of Steve using his Captain Voice on her, she returned her attention back to the road. They still had a bit to go before they made it to the Triskelion. Thankfully, it was the middle of the afternoon on a Sunday which meant there was barely any traffic on the causeway.

In a few hours, all of this would be over. They would get to the Triskelion, stop the helicarriers and Hydra would be taken down - for good. She could relax, take a nap maybe, or maybe even get her job back at SHIELD. Things would return to normal. It would be as though nothing had ever happened.

Still wanting to make sure the others were behind her, she glanced in her rearview mirror again. Only this time she did a double take because - was that someone...on the roof of the car? Shooting into it? Why hadn't she heard the shots before? She reached to turn down the volume of her car radio, silencing the music and instead hearing the shattering of glass and crunching of metal against boot.

She tried to focus on both the road ahead of her and what was happening behind her. The sun glinted off something reflective...did he have a metal arm? She realized then that it had to be the same man who killed Fury. When Steve had relayed the information about Fury's shooter, it had gotten her attention; she had heard stories about an assassin with a metal arm. Sure, before, she thought they were just stories about a ghost, but here he was, twice in less than a week.

Suddenly, Sam's car stopped, throwing the guy who had been shooting off. Instinctively, she slammed her foot on the brake, as if that would help what was happening behind her. Horns were blaring at her, but she didn't pay attention to them, focusing on the scene in her rearview mirror. It looked like a standoff was happening between the car and the man, who had gotten to his feet - completely unscathed after being thrown off a moving car.

"Oh shit." Q muttered out as she saw the giant SHIELD Hummer coming up from behind, speeding up to slam into Sam's car and pitch them forward, moving them even if they weren't in drive.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" she cried out, quickly stepping on her gas to try and get out of the way. She kept glancing in her rearview mirror, but it was hard to tell what was even happening - everything was moving so fast.

Something slammed into the back corner of her car with enough force to send her spinning out. As she scrambled to try and regain control of the car, she quickly looked over her shoulder to see that it had been Sam's car careening out of control. She didn't know what the hell was happening inside the car itself, but it probably wasn't good considering the giant hole in the driver's side windshield and the lack of steering wheel. Turning back around front, she looked out the front windshield - a split second before the Tesla rammed into the divider, violently pitching her forward against the airbags and momentarily knocking her unconscious.

Again, the ringing in her ears returned, louder than after the explosion at the camp and somehow even more annoying. She groaned as she came to; her head was pounding and when she opened her eyes, the light was just too much. The airbag deflated a bit after she lifted herself out of it. Moving her neck slowly, she tried to crack it to release some of the pressure, opening her mouth wide to pop her ears as she did.

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