{1} The Beginning of the End

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I slowly opened my eyes. the only thing I could see as I stared upwards was a dim light. As I went to sit up a sharp pain shivered throughout my bones. I slowly looked around, my gaze settling upon my friend, Wilson. he seemed to be out cold. I shuffled over to his body, gently resting my hand on his shoulder and shaking lightly. 

"hey.. Wilson? are you okay?" my shaky voice slightly echoed through the darkness.

"urgh.. [Y/N]? Wh.. Where are we?" my companion slowly rose from the ground, looking around cautiously. 

"I think we finally made it..! past the ruins, i mean" i replied in an almost cheery tone. the two of us had been trying to navigate the ruins for what seems like forever. We were half dead, and basically starving, but we had made it. Wilson and i both stood up, in front of us lied a small yet sturdy looking chest. Wilson wasted no time in opening it. inside were a couple of half spoiled berries, a miner helmet, and the diving rod that had lead us through this hellish plane. we split the berries and dug in, not having tasted food in a good few days. I donned the miner hat and the two of us were off, into the looming darkness. 

there was a path, a fairly neat one at that. occasionally a black pillar with a small flame atop appeared along the path, the small flame emitting a little heat. the farther we went down the path, we started hearing a faint noise. it sounded like.. music? after what seemed like hours we met the end of the path. a harsh light filled the small area of the shadowy realm. The light made the place a lot easier to see. as my eyes adjusted to the light i took notice of a figure. it seemed to be a throne, and a scary looking one at that. as i got a closer look there appeared to be a man. tall and skinny, his gray skin lacking any semblance of colour, eyes drained of any sense of life.

"Who... who are you?" i asked, looking the man up and down.

"Who i am is not of concern.. i've lost myself long ago, [Y/N]" he replied. how did he know my name!?

"Maxwell.. you bastard" Wilson uttered, i could see him clench his fist around the diving rod in anger. Who is this "Maxwell" and how does Wilson know him?

"Wilson..? how do you know-" "Hes the reason we're here, damnit!" Wilson cut me off suddenly. i stepped back slightly in shock. 

"Now now, Let them ask their questions, Wilson. Besides, they've only just arrived here" the tall man retorted. It is true.. i had only entered this hell zone recently, if it wasn't for Wilson i'd have died on my first day. I looked down and noticed a small machine, which seemed to be the source of the mysterious music we had heard earlier. i had only heard it for about 10 minutes and it was already starting to annoy me. i bent down and turned it off.

"thank you, [Y/N], i had been listening to that for ages." Maxwell said thankfully. 

"yeah.. no problem" i said silently.   

an awkward silence filled the darkness, Wilson looking around, i'm assuming for something science-ey. 

"So.. how do we get you outta here?" i suddenly questioned. Both Maxwell and Wilson looked at me with shocked expressions.

"free.. me? now, my dear, why would you want to do that?" Maxwell responded, i blushed slightly at "my dear". 

"i mean.. no one deserves this, no matter how terrible of a person they are! i believe that even the worst people can change." i said, my voice ringing through the darkness. Wilson looked down and didn't say anything. 

"well, if i'm honest, i don't really know. it seems i'm stuck here forever, dear" He replied, with slight sadness in his voice. 

"stop calling them 'dear', you old creep.." Wilson said angrily. "you're here for a reason."

Maxwell scoffed, "[Y/N] seems fine with it" he said in an almost flirty tone. 

i blushed a little more, trying to ignore his remarks. i glanced around and saw what seemed to be a key hole. it look shockingly like.. the diving rod? i silently grabbed the rod from Wilson and walked over to the hole.

"[Y/N].. what are you doing?" Wilson asked.

"i'm gonna try something." i responded.

i plunged the rod into the hole and twisted it slightly. the ground shook slightly, the throne disintegrating below Maxwell. He stood up on his shaky legs, taking a few steps forward.

"finally.. i'm free! i can- ARUGH!" as he started to talk his legs gave in, his own body withered away just as the throne did. 

"MAXWELL!!" i screamed, an overwhelming shock came over my body. 

a felt something wrap around me, dragging me down into the darkness. 

"[Y/N]!!!" i heard Wilson scream. it was the last thing i heard before completely blacking out.  

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