{2} Captive

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my eyes slowly opened, adjusting to the light around me. I realized i was.. sitting in a chair?? i tried to stand up, i desperately needed to stretch out my limbs. i tried to stand, but my arms and legs were bound to the chair. i continued to pull as hard as i could off the chair, to no avail. as i looked up i realized that.. this is the same throne Maxwell was sitting on? but how did i get.. oh yeah, i used the diving rod to free him. i guess the shadows chose me as the next ruler. i sighed and leaned back into the throne. it was huge compared to me, Maxwell was a lot taller than me after all.  i had scanned the area only to realize Wilson had vanished, as had Maxwell. I can only hope that Wilson is safe, back at our rickety little camp, curled up in a straw roll next to the fire. how i longed to be back there. i was quite worried for Maxwell, i can only hope Wilson allowed him to rest at our camp. i could see how much Wilson despised Maxwell, Wilson wasn't normally one to hold a grudge but Maxwell seemed to spark anger in him.  I looked down to see that little machine again, back playing that annoying song. i groaned, i'm gonna be here for a while. 

it's only been about a day, but it's already starting to feel as I've been trapped here for years. i stared into the looming darkness surrounding me. i heard the faint whistle of wind around me, but felt no breeze. it felt as if there was.. someone there with me. But of course, it was probably just me losing my mind. i looked onto the distance, hoping for nothing but death at this point. as much as i longed to be back at camp with Wilson, anything would be better than being stuck here, listening to this tumor of a song on repeat for eternity.

more dazed staring occurred, i felt myself getting weaker and weaker as the minutes passed. my eyes grew heavy, but i simply could not drift off to sleep. the more i stared the more monsters and demons my insanity produced. i saw a faint light at where the path Wilson and i had followed started. i brushed it off as just my head again. the light seemed to be getting bigger, not stronger, but as if it was moving towards me. 

"[Y/N]!?! [Y/N] ARE YOU THERE?!?" i heard a deep, sympathetic sounding voice echo fro the darkness. it's all in your head [Y/N].. just ignore it.

i stayed silent, if i fed into my delusions i'd only become more insane. the light kept seeming to get closer, so close in fact that i started to see a human like figure casting a shadow. i leaned forward a bit, trying to get a better look.

"WHO ARE YOU?" i screamed back. i didn't care how insane i was becoming, i NEED human contact.

The light started coming towards me at a faster pace, as if the person had started running. the light had finally reached me, i looked up to see.. Maxwell?? he was carrying a lantern and what seemed to be a sword of sorts. he didn't look like the same man i had seen on the throne before. the life had returned to his now red eyes, he seemed torn, but determined to find me, for whatever reason. 

"Maxwell? what are you doing here? how did you navigate the ruins?? and how did you do it so fast??" i sputtered out, i had so many questions at ask this man.

"I made this place, i know it like the back of my hand." He said sternly. "i'm here to get you out of here."

"wha- but you just escaped!? why would you want to be bound to this ungodly throne again? and why would you want to free ME of all people" i said anxiously. 

"You showed empathy to me, even if i am the one to imprison you in this hell. it's only polite to do the same to you." he replied. "now enough questions, i need to find a way to get you out.. preferably with both of us returning to the surface.." he pondered.

i noticed he hadn't had the diving rod, it was not in the key hole either. it must have disappeared once i took the throne. Maxwell started mumbling to himself, i assume to think of a way to get the two of us out of here. i simply stared at him, not saying a single word. Maxwell may have been the puppet master behind this place, but i could tell he was still human on the inside. he felt empathy towards me, just as Wilson had on my first day here.. WILSON! i completely forgot about him!

"where's Wilson? is he alright?" i suddenly asked in a distressed tone. 

"Oh, him? he's fine, trying to get himself back together, relocate your camp." Maxwell responded,  sounding almost disappointed.

i heard the wind whistle again, but still felt no breeze. the darkness stirred in my mind, still creating visions that i knew weren't real. until.. something- or someone,  emerged.  

"Maxwell.. it's been a while, hasn't it?" a feminine voice came from a slim, dark figure coming out of the shadows. i looked to Maxwell, i could see the fear on his face.

"C- Charlie?" his voice was hoarse, soaked with fear.

"Tis' a shame it's come to this, you trying to save one of your puny little pawns.." Charlie let out a faint chuckle. 

"Why are you here? just to torment me?" Maxwell asked her. i could see him start to tear up a small bit. 

"I'm here to strike a deal, Maxy.." she said, gesturing towards me and the throne. "You give me the throne in exchange for your precious little [Y/N].."

"precious..?" i said quietly under my breath, wondering what she meant. 

Maxwell remained silent for a couple of minutes, seeming to be debating with himself.

"deal.." he said, sighing heavily. Charlie grinned evilly,  snapping her fingers. the throne disintegrated below me. instead of withering away like Maxwell had did, i simply fell to my knees. Maxwell rushed over to me, kneeling down to check if i was okay. before either of us could say anything shadows appeared around us, dragging us down.

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