Messages (Tae and Jungkook)

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2:34~ Jk: Hey baby

5:21~ Jk: Tae?

6:30~ Jk: Taehyung?

7:44~ Jk: Okay you're starting to worry Tae. You've never taken this long to text back, pls answer me.

T: Hey

Jk: Hey? That's it after I said I was worried?

T: I'm sorry for worrying you.
T: I've just been dealing with a lot today.

Jk: like what?
Jk: Is everything okay.

T: No not really

Jk: Tae what's wrong?
Jk: You can talk to me, you know that.

T: I saw someone today.

Jk: Okay? Who?

T: Someone from back my past.
T: Someone I knew back in Daegu.
T: Idk if he saw me too, but Jungkook it made me think back to everything that happened. To that night.
T: And I don't want to remember it Kook. I don't.
T: Bc I'm not just remembering that night, I'm remembering how I felt after.
T: I'm getting pushed back into that dark place Jungkook and I'm scared if I get back there I won't come out of it again.
T: All I can think is it's my fault.
T: Someone's dead and it's my fault.

Jk: I want you listen to me okay?
Jk: First, it wasn't your fault. You had no way of knowing what would happen if you left with Jimin that night.
Jk: What your ex did was a terrible thing that you had to go through, but it wasn't your fault. He's the one who did it, not you.
Jk: And just bc you left with Jimin doesn't mean that he still wouldn't have done it even with you there. Bc I hate to say it, but Tae the thought was probably already in his mind.

T: I know. I know that your right, but I just I can't help it. I blame myself.

Jk: And as for what else you said, you won't get pushed back into the dark place. Not while I'm around.
Jk: Bc I'll be here everyday reminding you that it wasn't your fault and that I love you and that we'll get through this together. Bc I'm not leaving you Tae...
Jk: And I know that it won't be as easy as me saying that and everything will go back to normal, but I will be here for you. Anything you need. If you just want to talk I'll be here. If you just want cuddles I'll be here. Whatever it is I'll be here. Just don't shut me out. Let me help you.
Jk: I love you Taehyung.

T: I'm crying now thanks
T: God I don't deserve you. You're the only one Ik that would practically put your entire life on hold for me.
T: I love you too Jungkook. So so much.
T: And I'll try not to shut you out. Sometimes I forget that I do have people that care abt me. It sounds selfish I know.

Jk: Well then I'll just have to remind you. And it's not selfish.

T: Can we meet up? I know it's late but I really need to see you.

Jk: Of course.
Jk: My place or yours?

T: Yours. I don't wanna be at home rn.

Jk: Okay I'll be there to pick you up in 15

T: Okay, and Kook?

Jk: Yeah bub?

T: I love you.

Jk: I love you too.

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