Messages (Tae and Kook)

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T: What are you doing this weekend??

Jk: Umm nothing I don't think
Jk: Why? You wanna do something?

T: Well Saturday morning I'm going with Hobi, but I wanna take you out Saturday night.

Jk: You wanna take me out?
Jk: It's been a while since you've been in charge of a date

T: Well that's because you always ask me before I even get the chance to plan something!

Jk: It's not my fault I like spoiling you
Jk: Besides your the best thing that's ever happened to me why wouldn't I want to take you out every chance I get?

T: ...I love you

Jk: I love you too bub😂
Jk: Now what are we doing on our date?

T: It's a surprise

Jk: Okay now I'm nervous
Jk: wdym a surprise you know I hate surprises Tae

T: Ik but this is a good one I promise
T: or at least I think it is and hopefully you will too

Jk: Can I have at least 1 hint?

T: Nope! You have to wait, but I will say it will be one for the books

Jk: I don't know about that baby
Jk: I've taken you on some pretty great dates if I do say so myself lol

T: Is that a challenge?

Jk: Only if you want it to be

T: Oh you're on! be ready to eat your words Kook

Jk: I'll be waiting, but until then are you still coming over tonight?

T: Yeah, but I'm with Jimin right now so it won't be till later

Jk: That's fine, I'm with Jin so I'm not even home rn

T: Will you be at around 8ish?
T: Cause I think that's when we'll be done

Jk: Yeah, I should be but you have a key so if I'm not you can go ahead and come over

T: Okay I'll see you later then
T: I Love you❤️

Jk: I love you too Tae.

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