Dm's (Tae and Namjoon)

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Gucci_alien: Hey...

Rm.joon: Hey Tae.

Gucci_alien: Are you okay?

Rm.joon: Yeah why wouldn't I be?

Gucci_alien: Joon...

Rm.joon: I'm so stupid huh?
Rm.joon: How could ever think that he would like me?

Gucci_alien: You're not stupid!
Gucci_alien: Jin is just to caught up in himself rn to realize that he's not alone, and the people do like him.

Rm.joon: It's just I've liked him for a while now, but it's like all my efforts don't matter.

Gucci_alien: They do matter! Jin doesn't even realize that your trying to put in effort. He's oblivious af.

Rm.joon: So then what am I supposed to do?
Rm.joon: Give up on him?

Gucci_alien: What? No!
Gucci_alien: Now is when you confess to him.

Rm.joon: I tried remember!

Gucci_alien: Yeah I remember, but that's why you have to do it when you two are alone! Not during the middle of the group chat while he was ranting!!

Rm.joon: I guess...

Gucci_alien: No! There's no I guess about it. I'm right and your going to do it my way. Confess while your alone. When it's just the two of you.

Rm.joon: Okay, I'll try.
Rm.joon: Wish me luck.

Gucci_alien: Good luck Joon!
Gucci_alien: Remember I'm here for you now matter what :)

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