Chapter 6

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It was hours later when Regina finally returns home. As soon as she walks in she feels a small figure hit her legs. She huffs a tired laugh and picks up the adorable little 5 year old Roland. "Hello snuggle bug." He giggles "Mommy I missed you today! Where was you? Me and Henry got back and you wasn't here." Roland says with a scrunched face. She goes to correct his grammar, but just sits tiredly on the sofa by her teenage son.

"I know, but it wasn't my fault. Snow had me out all day with we- uh stuff." Regina says quickly forgetting the boys didn't know about the engagement yet.

Before Henry could reply, Robin walks in. (Thankfully) Regina thinks. He looked exhausted, Roland hops off Regina's lap and starts to run to his tired father, yelling "Daddy! Daddy!" Robin takes a deep breath before scooping the little boy up. "Hello my boy." He throws Roland over his shoulder and the boy giggles.

Robin walks over to where Regina was sitting and sits by her "Hello love." He kisses her cheek and she smiles tiredly "Hi babe." She says softly.

"How come you sound so tired? I thought today was your day off?" Robin asks concerned.

"Yeah I did too, but I made the mistake of talking to Snow about that... thing we discussed. So, she had me out making... business plans." She says awkwardly.

Robin chuckles "Oh for crying out loud.. Boys, your mother and I are getting married."

Regina slaps robins chest "Robin!"

"What? Mom that's great!" Henry says happily to his mother and hugs her.

"Yay!" Roland cheers.

Regina chuckles tiredly and lays her head on Robin's chest. "It's Saturday by the way, so I'm sorry Henry, but no going to the arcade until after the reception."

They boys' eyes widen "This Saturday? How long have you been engaged?! Did you wait a long time to tell us?!" Henry was clearly outraged about his mother keeping such a secret.

Regina shakes her head "We got engaged the other night. We set a date this morning after I dropped you off at school."

After discussing everything together as a family, Henry gets ready for bed, and Regina gets Roland in bed as well. She tucks him in his bed and kisses his forehead "Goodnight my little knight." But before she could turn off his lamp, Roland speaks up.

"Mommy?" He asks softly.

"Yes dear?" She asks sweetly

"You know how I'm Henry's 'title brudder?" He asks.

She chuckles at his vocabulary "Yes, why?"

"Well um I was just wondering... Am I ever gonna have a baby brother or sister?" He asks innocently and she smiles softly at him.

"I hope so sweetheart. Now try to get some sleep, we have a big weekend to get ready for." She says with a smile and kisses his forehead again.

He flashes his toothy grin "Otay mommy. I love you."

"I love you too, sweetheart." She turns off his lamp, turns on his night light, and walks out to head straight for her room.

Meanwhile, Henry and Robin were having a man to man talk.

"Dad?" Henry asks awkwardly

Robin turns around to see Henry sitting in his bed "Yes Henry?" He walks over and sits down on the edge of his bed.

"Can we talk? About- about girls?" He asks awkwardly.

Robin shrugs "Yeah of course, what's all this about?"

Henry gets up and closes his door and walk back to his bed to face Robin. "Well.. Um.. I- I haven't really had the talk yet. And I was just wondering if you could talk to me? Because there's this girl I like a lot at school, and I wanna know.."

Robin raises his brows "Oh. Oh... Oh okay... Um, well what would you like to know? Well I mean, you tell me what you know, and I'll let you know the important stuff."

Henry looks down embarrassed "Nothing... I grew up with two moms, they aren't too much into talking about sex with their son."

Robin chuckles "No I guess not. Well, first I want you to know that even though it's not 'cool' in this land or generation to wait for marriage, I suggest you do. Because, you want to know a secret? I prefer to make love, not just have sex with whoever.."

Henry makes a confused face "Wait, what's the difference?"

Robin gets comfortable knowing this would be a long conversation. "Well, anyone can have sex. But, what makes it really special is when it's with the person you love, because you get to prove and show just how much you love them."

"How?" Henry asks interested.

Robin smiles to himself "You'll know someday, but I do want you to know that whatever you're feeling right now about girls and sex, it's completely normal. And nothing to be ashamed of. It just means you're a human being."

Henry nods "Well um.. I know what it involves, but h- how does it work?" He asks awkwardly.

Robin's eyes widen "Oh. Uh well... You know how sometimes, you may wake up, um... Wi- with uh.." Robin didn't know how to explain.

"Yeah, I know what you're saying. Morning wood."

Robin takes a deep breath "Okay that's one way to put it... Yes. Well when you're like that, and the woman you'll be doing this with is also... aroused, y- you put it in her... special place, and the rest just comes naturally. Your body takes over."

Henry was completely disgusted at the thought of Robin putting his 'arousal' in Regina. But Henry wanted to know more. "So, you just lay there?"

"No, not exactly. You start thrusting in and out until the both of you.. Well finish."

"And how do you know when you finish?"

Robin chuckles "Believe me, you will know."

Henry nods "Okay, thanks dad."

Robin nods "Of course.. Anytime son." He tucks Henry in and turns off the light "Goodnight Henry, love you."

"Love you too dad." Henry says as he turns over, going to sleep.

Robin walks into the bedroom where he saw Regina taking off her earrings in the mirror. She sees his distraught face in the reflection after he closes the door. "What's wrong with you? You've seen me without make up before." She jokes and walks over to the bed, gently climbing into it.

Robin shakes his head "No that is most definitely not it." He chuckles and bites his lip as he walks over to the bed and climbs in. He lays by Regina and looks at her "I just had the talk with Henry."

Her eyes widen "You what?! Robin! What?!"

"Shh! I wasn't supposed to tell. It's guy code.. Anyways, he wanted to know."

"Why?" She was upset that her little prince was not so little and innocent minded anymore.

"Why would a 15 year old boy want to know about sex? Seriously?" Robin raises a questioning brow and Regina shoots him a glare. "Robin..." She pouts and lays her head on his chest. "It's not fair. Why do they have to grow up so fast?" She asks in a whining tone. Robin chuckles and strokes her hair, "Well just think, I still have to explain that to Roland as well one day. Consider yourself lucky." Robin jokes.

Regina laughs slightly "Yeah true.."

Robin smirks "Although.. Maybe we're going to have a new addition to the family and it'll be a girl, then you can explain to her in 16 years." He says as he sets his hand on Regina's stomach and she smiles.

"I hope I'm lucky enough." She sets her hand on top of Robin's and lay there thinking about the daughter she's always wanted.

And maybe, just maybe she will finally have her.

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