Chapter 8

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The next few days were definitely hectic. With planning a wedding, Roland begging for a puppy every chance he got, Henry now beginning to ask about going to the movies with some girl named Grace. The same girl who Regina saw him talking to the other day.

But nonetheless, today was supposed to be the most important day in lovely queen's life. Her wedding day. A strapless, pearl white dress. It was by far the most elegant wedding dress she has ever seen. Robin was wearing a classic, black tuxedo, his hair was fixed to perfection, and the boys were in their suits. The bridesmaids dresses were a gorgeous teal colour. Regina and Robin couldn't decide on a colour, cobalt blue or forest green. So they decided to use teal, a mixture of their choices. Sure, it was more blue than he wanted, but at least Regina was trying to compromise..

Once everything was started up and she stood there holding her soul mate's hands, it was time for there vows. They decided to write their own, Robin was first. He took a deep breath and rubbed the top of her hands with his thumb.

He chuckles "Regina Mills, you are the most frustrating, stubborn woman I have ever met. You drive me insane. And I can't imagine my life without you. If someone ever told me a couple years ago, during the missing year, that I would be marrying you today, I would have laughed and said 'I'm not that lucky' I remember the first time I ever laid my eyes on you. It wasn't when that pesky, winged beast attacked you. It was when you were living in the castle as queen. You were in the garden, underneath your apple tree. I was planning on stealing from the castle that day, but when I saw you, I lost all thoughts. You were the most beautiful woman I had ever laid my eyes on... You still are. Absolutely stunning, in every way. You are the love of my life, and I vow to love you, to protect you, to cherish you everyday for the rest of my life."

Regina was in tears as soon as he finished his first sentence, so you can imagine her after the entire speech. Tears were stained upon her olive skin. The minister looked at her and told her it was now her turn.

She swallows thickly "For the first time in my life, I'm at a loss of words." She chuckles and everyone else does as well. She takes a deep breath to try to calm down. "Robin I was lost. I was lost in darkness, and somehow you managed to find me. You were my light, you guided me out of my misery. You have given me a second chance, which I don't care what anyone says, I know I don't deserve it. I don't deserve to be loved by such a wonderful man, but I am a very selfish person, so I will gladly accept your love. I never thought I could ever truly love ever again when I was 18. Only 18 years old, thinking no one could ever love me, or that I could ever love anyone. But... I love you more than anything. You are the light of my life, literally."She smiles and a tear falls down her rosy cheek. "I promise that I will love you forever. I promise to raise our family together. I promise that I will always take care of you. I promise my life and my soul to you. I love you."

The put the rings on each other's fingers, and then the minister speaks. He pronounces them man and wife. "You may now kiss the bride." Is all Regina heard, before she felt Robin's lips smash into hers.

After they left and went to the reception, which was beautiful, they went home. Roland went with the merry men, while Henry went home with Emma and her new beau Killian. Robin helped Regina out of the car, and picked her up bridal style. Her little arms wrap around her new husband's neck.

Before she knew it, her dress was on the floor somewhere in the living room, maybe. She honestly didn't know, and didn't care. All she cared about was her husband making her come, Robin had her pinned against the wall in the hallway upstairs. They couldn't even make it to the bed, heir first time together as a married couple, was in the hallway against a wall.

After hours and hours of making love, they were breathless, practically panting like a couple of wild animals. Their sweaty, sticky bodies tangled together in the bed, all she hears his the 'thump thump' in his chest, his breath heavy on her hair, and then the words 'I love you', before noticing his breath calming as he drifts to sleep. She smiles and bites her bottom lip while she heard the soft snores of her tired husband. The tired and sweaty woman picks her head up to see what time it was, she couldn't believe what the clock read. It was already four in the morning. Had they really been making love since seven o'clock? Did they seriously spend ten hours pleasuring each other?! No wonder her husband was sound asleep! She let her head fall against her pillow, her eyes slowly drift to sleep.

They both sleep until around one o'clock in the afternoon, the sunlight shining through the curtains of their bedroom was the first thing to make then stir, but then there was ice cream truck that would pass by everyday around this time.

Once they wake up, they decided they needed a little pick me up to get through the day, and that's how they ended up in the shower. With Regina's body pressed against the wall of the shower, the steam making it harder for the both of them to see or breathe. And after that, it was time to snap back to reality. Roland and Henry were returning in a few hours.

While Regina is cooking dinner, getting ready for the boys' return, she gets this uneasy feeling in her stomach. She never felt this feeling... But, then it occurred to her, what could have possibly made her feel this way? She didn't eat anything funny... She hasn't been around anyone sick.. Regina goes upstairs and tries washing her face in the bathroom sink. As she looks into the mirror, she remembers back in the enchanted forest when Snow also went through the same thing, but Snow was.... Pregnant.

Regina made her way back downstairs after heaving her guts out. She calls the doctor and makes an appointment for tomorrow, but keeps it quiet. She didn't want anyone knowing. So, when they boys got home and were fed, she tucked them in just like she always has. Roland had her sing to him like most nights, and Henry had her tuck him in tightly.

About an hour later, Regina was finally able to lie down by her new husband. She was freshly showered, and had finally got her stomach to settle down. Robin turns on his side to face his beautiful wife. "Hello my love." He whispers in his raspy voice before kissing her neck. She groans "Not tonight babe, I'm so tired, and not feeling good at all." She says feeling guilty, but at least she was able to be honest with him.

"Not feeling well? Is everything alright?" He asks in a worried tone, which Regina loved how he wasn't even phased by her not having sex with him tonight. He was just worried about her health, about how she felt. Back when she was married to the king, he would've just told her to suck it up. She swallows thickly "I'm fine dear, I'm just not feeling well. I have a headache and my stomach is a little queazy." She assures her concerned husband.

He nods and kisses her forehead "Alright love, just tell me if you need anything. Okay?" He says and she replies with an agreeing hum.

As she closes her eyes, a million thoughts cross her mind. Was she pregnant? Was she ready for this? They had been trying, but are they really ready? Is she pregnant? Is she pregnant? Is she pregnant? That's all she could think about. And all with different emotions.

Authors Note: So sorry for the wait, I've been a bit busy. Thank you again for reading, and I hope you enjoy.


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