I Like Your Percentage

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You have been trying to get L to walk through the front door for around 10 minutes now. Damn, the man was strong, you had to give him that. Even pulling with all your weight you couldn't get him to budge. You gave up pulling and decided to go at it with a different approach. Bribery. 

“Tell you what, if you eat something normal, I'll let you have three cakes. Deal?” You suggested, hoping it would work. 

“Three, hm?” He appeared deep in thought for a moment. “Fine.” 

    Sighing in relief, you pulled his hand again, this time he complied. As you walked, he seemed to slow a bit, becoming rather sluggish. You looked back at him, concerned. He looked miserable. Jesus, this guy really hasn't seen the sun, has he? You thought. I hope he doesn't die...that would be terrible and totally my fault...can people die this way...? 

“______?” A smooth voice interrupted your thoughts. 


“Are we almost there?” 

“Yes.” You replied with a small laugh, putting his arm around your shoulder and placing your arm around his waist. You hoped to offer some sort of support as you walked. Him collapsing was the last thing you wanted. 

    Realization finally setting in, late, might I add. The position you both are in is rather...I don't know...romantic in a way? You must look like a couple to outsiders. A light dusting of very adorable pink consumed your cheeks. Glancing at L from the corner of your eye, you noticed he had a slight blush over his usually translucent skin. He didn't reject you, right? This had to be a good sign. You weren't stupid. He was attractive in his own way. 

    His dark eyes seemed like bottomless pits of pure intelligence and mystery. His translucent skin was practically perfection and soft to the touch. The dark circles that resided under his eyes seemed to give them depth, and complimented his cheeks in an odd but beautiful way. Though he slouched, the man was anything but short. His build wasn't that bad either. All you could feel was a lean torso against your side, your face darkening a shade or two at the thought. His hands weren't extremely rough, but they weren't too soft either. His fingers long and tapered, if you had to sum them up, he had nice hands. 

You cleared your throat to rid yourself of your thoughts. Like he needed a 'friend' gushing over him. “We're here.” You announced, his sigh of relief nearly making you laugh. 

    He held the door for you and you both slipped in. This place wasn't generally busy, only a few people lingering around. It was rather quiet and pleasant. A brunette with a warm smile stood behind a counter, welcoming you both. Her green eyes were friendly and bright and she kept eye contact with you, shifting her gaze to pay you both enough attention. You ordered him a sandwich as well as yourself. You ignored his quiet grumbling at the mention of 'normal food' and proceeded to pay. 

“It's not going to jump up and bite you.” You say with amusement. 

He continued staring at the food as if it were some other worldly creature sent to specifically destroy him. “And...'regular' people eat stuff like this daily?” He asked, disbelief dripping from his words. 

You giggled. “Yes, Ryuzaki, now eat.” With that being said, you took a bit of your own. 

You finished half your sandwich and he still had yet to even nibble on it. You sighed, getting up to slide into the booth next to him. 

“What are you doing?” He asked curiously. 

“Feeding you, since you can't seem to do it yourself.” You replied as you ripped a bite off of his sandwich and held it at his lips. 

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