~the hoodie thief~

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~the hoodie thief~
Everyone stared as they walked through the halls Kenzie still on Johnny's back. They didn't care about the stares they were getting. They just kept talking and laughing about non-sense. When they reached the cafeteria there friends were all joined at one table. Annie, Hayden, Carson, Lauren, Jayden, and Armani stared at the pair with awe because they were very different people. But they were glad they finally met. As Kenzie jumped off Johnny's back they realized something the reason people where staring the damn hoodie. Kenzie went to take it off and Johnny just pulled it right back over her head. Then Kenzie saw Ashton out of the corner of her eyes and so did Hayden. She only told Hayden about Ashton because they were close and still are. Hayden quickly came and wrapped his arm around Kenzie's waist and Johnny tensed up immediately. Ashton walked up to the group and Hayden quickly put Kenzie behind him and spoke stern and calm "It's time to tell them Kenzie now!" Kenzie quickly walked up to Carson and hugged him and spoke softly "Um well Ashton and me broke up because h-he hi-it me." Carson went to let go of Kenzie to hit Ashton and Kenzie grabbed his arm and pleaded "no bubba please not now." Carson debated in his head and then agreed. Then Johnny punched Ashton straight in the jaw. Kenzie's jaw dropped. She quickly ran in front of Johnny and made him look at her. "Move RIGHT NOW Mackenzie!" She nodded her head no and hugged him and he relaxed a bit. Sooner or later the group was at the park spilt up. Armani and Jayden we're attempting to do monkey bars. Carson and Annie were taking turns sliding down the slide and laughing about Carson getting stuck. Hayden and Lauren got to the swings and were talking about going out tonight. Then there was Johnny and Kenzie they were in the backseat of the car with Johnny's laptop sitting on each of there knees and and johnny's arm around Kenzie and them cuddling pretty much sleeping. That night Kenzie ended up getting brought home by Johnny and successfully "snuck" johnny's hoodie in her bag. Johnny knew and he laughed about it and gave her his red champion Hoodie she "left" in her locker.

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