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"Shao Fei...this is the report about the robbery at Xiandong District that day. The victim said that she couldn't recalled that crimi-" Zhao Zi stopped his talked when Shao Fei quickly rushed to toilet.

"What happen to senior? Is it he sick or something." You Qi asked.

"How would I know?" Zhao Zi.


I throw up everything I eat this morning. I clenched my stomach. Why my stomach felt hurt? Did I eat something wrong? I keep on throw up until my stomach empty.

"Shao Fei. Are you ok?" Zhao Zi came and help me to get up.

"Y-yeah..I'm ok." I lied even though that time I think I will collapsed in any time.

"Do you go to hospital?" Zhao Zi rubbed my back and face me with worried on his face.

"No need." I clenched my stomach.

"Are you sure?" I nodded.

"Senior...are you ok?" You Qi asked as I seat on my place.

"Ok...Maybe I just eat something wrong this morning. That's why I throw up this morning." I pinched my head.

"Senior...let's eat with us this evening. My treat. How is it?" Jun Wei asked.

"Sorry...I can't. I want to visit Tang Yi at prison. Maybe next time."

" Next time....when? You said like this everytime I asked you. But you never keep it.?" Jun Wei slightly mad at Shao Fei.

"Fine then. I promise will eat with you guys. Ok." I make a promise to them. I can see their dissappointed face when I refused to hang up with them.


"Tang Yi..." I smiled when saw Tang Yi sat infront of me. I missed him so much. If I can, I would hug him but this glass wall, forbidden me from doing it. We communicate with the special telephone that has been prepared.

"Shao Fei...I miss you. How you're doing?"

"I miss you so bad, Tang Yi. It's so lonely when you're not here."I put my palm on the glass wall which is Tang Yi do the same thing as me.

"I'm sorry I can't be there when you need me." Tang Yi said almost cried but keep it inside.

"Shao Fei...are you sick?" Tang Yi realized Shao Fei's face is little pale.

"I just throw up this morning. Don't worry."

"Are you already go to hospital?" Tang Yi asked worried. He scared if something might happen to me.


"Shao Fei...I'm here and couldn't do anything. What if something bad happen to you? Who want take care of you? What if yo-" Tang Yi panicked which make me laughed at his suddenly behaviour. I don't know why I'm laughed but it's funny lol.

"You laughed!!!" Tang Yi pissed off. He worried about me but I just laughed.

"Tang Yi...I'm an adult now. No need to worry about me. I can take care of myself. Don't worry."

"Hmmm...suit at yourself." Tang Yi sulked.

"Alright...I will go to hospital and do some check up, ok. husband is sulking." I teased him.

"Not sulking but caring. Tell me if any husband out there didn't care about his wife. Just tell me." Look he still with his 'dead' face.

"Only Tang Yi who care about this troublesome Meng Shao Fei. But I as Tang Yi's wife also worry about his husband too."

"But I as a husband, want the best thing for my wife and want to keep him safe also away from any danger." Tang Yi continued.

"I'm a gang's leader. A gangster like me have many enemy. I'm scared if someone might hurt you." Tang Yi sighed.

"Don't worry. I'm a policeman. Who can messed up with Meng Shao Fei anyway. Even this gangster scared of me and barely do anything."

"Scared? Tell me whose the first one fall into the trap." Tang Yi smirked which make me pouted.

"Btw..where your ring? I don't see it at your finger." Tang Yi asked.

"Ohhh!! The ring is right here." I take out my ring that I make as a necklace from my shirt.

"Why you make it as a necklace?"

"Because I want place it near my heart. When I do this it make me feel that you always embrace me." I smiled.

"Sir..the visited hour already ended." The policeman came and told me. I sighed. Why the time is so short? I want at least 6 hour to visit Tang Yi. But rule is rule, want it or not I have to follow it.

"Alright...bye Tang Yi. I will come to visit you again next time." He nodded.

"Bye...don't flirt with another guys." Tang Yi joked.

"I won't."


I arrived at home on 9:00 p.m. Since, I'm no longer live at the apartment. So, the distance between my house.... oppss I mean Tang Yi's house and workplace is little bit a far. I took a quick shower and take rest first before I go to sleep.


I suddenly woke up and rushed to toilet. I throw up everything what eat last night. It's almost week I become like this. It's impossible if I eat something wrong. I just let that question like wind and quickly take a shower.


"Good morning...sister-in-law." Hong Ye greeted me as I go downstair.

"Hong Ye!!! When you arrived?" I asked little shocked at her presence at home.

"Around 12:00 a.m." I nodded.

"Where Brother Dou Yi?" I asked as I looked around.

"He want to settle something. Shao Fei come eat. I prepared some food. I make it myself. Try it." Hong Ye pulled me to the table and put a plate infront of me.

"Wow...lot of food." I amazed all the food infront of me.

"Dig it first then tell me how the taste." I took a bite of fried rice with omelete.

I nodded."It's tasty." After a couple bite of food. I felt want to throw up again. I put my hand to cover my mouth and rushed to toilet near the kitchen.

"Shao Fei. What's wrong?" Hong Ye asked. I came out from the toilet and sit again at the table.

"Nothing's wrong. Don't worry." I drank the plain water.

"Nothing wrong and you look pale. Also, you look thin. Are you didn't eat anything for a week?" Hong Ye babbled while glared at me.

"I eat but then keep on throw up until I lost my appetite." I shrugged.

"You better go to check up. If something happen, Tang Yi must be mad. He told me to take care of you when he is not around. If-" I interrupt her.

"My little sister-in-law. You worry too much. I'll be fine. I'm adult now. Don't worry." I smile to reassured her.

"Fine. Don't forget to-" I interrupt her again.

"Little sister-in-law..."

"Fine." She pouted.

"You and Tang Yi are same. What a lucky have you two in this house?" I laughed. I looked at watch. It's almost 9:00 a.m.

"I'm off to work first. Thank you for the breakfast."

"Drive carefully, Shao Fei."

"Alright, bye." I waved at her.

[History 3: Trapped] To My Beloved HusbandWhere stories live. Discover now