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I just woke up from my deep sleep and groaned in pain when I felt my back was in pain like I sleep on the rock.

I yawned and looked empty space beside me. I whished Tang Yi was here. Remember of him made me little sad.

Once, I finished shower, I go to downstair to eat some breakfast that was specially made by Hong Ye.

"Morning...what did you cook for breakfast?" I asked her.

"As usually...toast, bacon and egg. Since, I have many work to do I can only prepared this for us."

"It's ok. Thank you." Then,I felt something was missing. I walked to fridge and took out a mayonaise, tomato sauce and some vanilla ice cream. Yummy!!

I put all the stuffed on my toast and eggs. Hong Ye who is still eat stared terrified at me.

"Yeah...why you looked at me like that?" I asked.

"What are you eat?" Hong Ye asked disbelief what she just saw.

Shao Fei dip his bacon with vanilla ice cream and eat it like it was the tasty food in the world.

"Bacon." Shao Fei answered innocently.

"I know but....Bacon with vanilla ice cream!!!" Hong Ye cover her mouth with her hands.

"It's tasty... Btw, do you want to try it." Shao Fei showed his bacon with ice cream on it.

"Better not...keep for yourself."


I almost completed all the paperwork that I can't  finished it since I was sick for a past few days. Luckily, I have Zhao Zi to help me. Suddenly, I felt like want to pee.

"Zhao Zi...can you watched my stuff. I want to go bathroom. I want to pee."

"Ok..." Zhao Zi answered without looking at Shao Fei.

"Thank you...Zhao Zi."

I felt relieved when pee. Suddenly, I craved for an ice-cream. Maybe I should asked Hong Ye to bring me to ice cream's shop.

After that, I go straight to pantry to find what I can eat. Because I felt so hungry. I found a biscuits and started to eat it. So...tasty. Later, I found a Coke in a cabinet. Without hesitation, I dip biscuit in Coke.

I go back to my desk and continued doing my work. I bring my biscuits and Coke so I won't be hungry when working.

"Senior..." You Qi chirped happily.

"Yes...You Qi." Then her face was changed.

"What did you eat, senior?" She asked.

"Some biscuits dip with coke. That's all. Nothing was special."

"You have a strange taste...maybe" Suddenly, she made a surprised face.

"Maybe what?" I asked her. Then, she walked closer to me and whispered something weird.

"What???" I almost screamed about she said.

"Wh-what wrong? I want to know too." Zhao Zi was clueless when I was suddenly shouted.

"Senior is pregnant." You Qi whispered to Zhao Zi.

"Shao Fei pregnant!!!" Zhao Zi almost shouted to the whole office luckily Shao Fei quickly covered Zhao Zi's mouth.

"Please be quite. There's no way I will pregnant. Nonsense. Do you have any proof?"

"My neighbour. She having a simptom like senior...what is it the name?......hmmm......yeah. Craving. What senior having right now is craving? My neighbour is pregnant. She always craved a weird thing like she always eat prickles with fish and ice cream and so on." You Qi explained.

[History 3: Trapped] To My Beloved HusbandWhere stories live. Discover now