Chapter 3

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9:00 a.m, Prison Commissary

Tang Yi was busy eating his breakfast. Suddenly, a middle-aged man sat beside him and started a conversation.


"May I seat here?"

I take a look a man's face and nodded.

"Thank you." He sat down and started to eat his food.

"Ahh!!! This food is delicious as always.Hahahah!!!" He laughed at himself.

'I cook much better than this. It tasted plain.'

"You must happy that you have a visitor everyday." He chuckled.

"Who is she? Girlfriend...wife?" I smile.

"He is my boyfriend." He suddenly become quiet.

"We're already known each other for a years and dating for a few months ago." I faced him with smile on my face.

"How...I mean why you two known each other for a years but dating a few months only?" He asked but still didn't finished munched his food.

"He was a police and I am a gangster. He always chased me about 4 year ago because he want to know an answer about a case."

"How you two fall in love?"

"Miracle...happen." I smile when flashback those memories. I'm glad he is not prejudice.

"What his name?"

"Meng Shao Fei."

He nodded and suddenly sighed.

"You lucky enough to have someone in you life." He took a sip of tea.

"Anything happen to you, recently?" I asked.

"Actually I have been here longer than you can imagine....Aish!!! Just forget it. It's an old story."

"What happened?" I curious because his face suddenly changed.

"Long time ago, I have a wife and one child name Liu Wei."


Back then, I was jailed because I robbed a bank. When I was in jailed, my wife always visited me.

"I don't care if we had starved to death but....I don't expect you could robbed a bank."

"I'm sorry...Ai Lin. I had to. I've no choice. I don't want us to live in this state especially our child. In a few month, ah boy will go to school and we need a money but-"

"By robbed a bank."

That time, I felt regret. Its already happen. Even I'm in jail, my wife always there support me and advised to stop what I'm doing now until there was a few weeks before I released she suddenly stopped visited me. I don't know why....but, that time I thinked positive maybe she was busy.

On my way back home, I saw a luxury car parked near my house. Then, I saw my wife go out from the car with other man. They was kissing and hugging in front of my eyes. I felt very angry that time and beat that man.

"Who are you? What's your relationship with my wife?"

"Ai Lin is my girlfriend." He said as he tried pushed me behind.

"Is it true." I asked Ai Lin. I loosened my grip on man's shirt.

"I'm sorry."

"But...why?" I said almost cried.

"Do you know how struggle my life to find a job and at the same time I have to looked after Ah Boy? Do you thinked that when you robbed a bank and go into prison?"

[History 3: Trapped] To My Beloved HusbandWhere stories live. Discover now