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Another week passed, and then another. [Name]'s scars were beginning to take way longer to heal, and her body was starting to slow down. After many grueling days with Sasuke, [Name] was often the epitome of death once her daily torture was over.


The girl sat up in bed, stretching her arms and yawning. Sure, she was Sasuke's target, but it was because of Mikoto that she kept her own room and was decently fed. [Name] rubbed her eyes, opening her mouth to let out an almighty roar of a yawn.

That was a nice sleep, thought the girl, lazily looking around her room. It was then that she realised that the sun was shining brightly through her dark, drawn curtains, making the girl gasp.

"WHAT TIME IS IT?!" she screeched, throwing off her covers and leaping to her feet. Literally leaping across the carpet, [Name] made it to the door and wrenched the handle. It was locked. She backed away, staring at the door, unable to believe her luck.

"My first night of decent sleep!" she exclaimed to no one in particular, looking around the room with an amazed look. It had only been three weeks out of the promised three months; maybe Sasuke had gotten bored already? [Name] began jumping up and down in excitement, too happy to pay any heed to the stinging scars on her back, the way her muscles groaned in agony, or the revealing clothes she was in. In fact, she was too busy ripping the curtains open that she didn't notice a certain Uchiha walk through her door, making his way over to her bed and inviting himself to sit down.

"Someone obviously got their rest."

[Name] screamed and turned around, wrapping the curtains around her exposed body as she did so. Regardless of how well she'd been fed over her time here, [Name]'s weight had dropped drastically, mostly due to the fact that the activities Sasuke forced onto her were athletically based. Said Uchiha scratched the back of his head, a dark look on his face as he contemplated how he would break his news to [Name].

"Listen, you..." he said, getting to his feet. [Name] slowly unwrapped herself from the velveteen curtain, and gulped as she stepped forward to face Sasuke.

Be strong don't give in the worst he can do is extend your time in hell don't think about it think about your family

"... It's getting boring." [Name] raised an eyebrow after a few moments, an amused look beginning to make its way onto her face. She crossed her arms, and gave the Uchiha a look.

"Can I go, then?" she smirked. A dark thundercloud seemed to loom over the raven's head as he frowned at her.

"No. I said you'd be here for three months, so you're gonna stay here for three months," he said coldly, subconsciously copying [Name] and crossing his arms. The two were now face to face, having a stare off. Sasuke regarded the girl carefully.

"You really do interest me, [Name] [Surname]. You've been put through hell for three weeks, and you're still alive?"

[Name] felt her pride well up within her as if a balloon was inflating in her chest.

"I like to do my best," she said, nodding curtly. Truth be told, she felt like she was going to die if she had to go through another week of that shit. Sasuke narrowed his eyes at her.

"You really are a piece of work, [Name]," he said, beginning to walk around the girl in circles. She gulped, now feeling very self conscious about the fact that she was in a crop top too small for her bust and mini shorts that almost burst from the load that was her butt.

Why did Sakura have to be such a skinny bitch, thought [Name] darkly as she remembered the reason why she was in all this trouble. Sasuke came to a halt behind the girl, and lowered his head so that his lips were beside her ear. [Name] tensed up at the closeness.

"You interest me, [Name]," he says again, this time in a low, sardonic tone. "What drives you? Why haven't you given up yet? Why haven't you come crawling to me, begging me for mercy?"

[Name] scowled and pulled herself up haughtily.

"Well, there's the fact that you'll kill my family if I don't do what you say." she said loudly, extending herself to her full height.

"Hmm. Well, why do you care so much about your family, huh?"

"What do you mean? You've got your own family, you should know," said [Name] bitterly. Sasuke sneered, his breath meeting the skin on her neck.

"Hn." He straightened up, putting his hands behind his back.

"Well, [Name] [Surname], you've proved to be very, ah, useful," he stated, cocking his head to the side. "I want you to take up Sakura's position as soon as possible. I think you've proven your worth."

"What?" [Name] turned around, absolutely shell shocked from his bomb. Sasuke smirked, and craned his head over his shoulder so that he was facing the door.

"OI, SHISUI! BRING THE CLOTHES!" he yelled, making [Name] wince and cover her eardrums. Seconds later, the Uchiha cousin was strolling through [Name]'s bedroom door, a pile of clothes in his hands. At the sight of a scantily clad [Name], he smirked as his eyes trailed over her exposed body, making the girl frown and cover herself up more. When he reached Sasuke, the raven smacked his cousin upside the head, scowling.

"Ow! That wasn't very nice, Sasuke!" tutted Shisui, dumping the clothes on [Name]'s unmade bed.

"Go find someone else, asshole," he snapped. "I got [Name] first."

Shisui rolled his eyes as he walked past [Name], reaching out a hand and trailing his finger on her arm as he passed.

"We all know where [Name]'s heart really lies," he smirked, winking at the girl. [Name] frowned, and Sasuke protectively put an arm around her, catching her off guard.

"Ahaha, well, I'll see you around, [Name]-chan," cooed Shisui as he strutted out of the room. "Hit me up when you want a good time. This baka can't even give you half of what I offer."

Sasuke rolled his eyes as his cousin disappeared from sight, then became aware of the fact that he was holding [Name]. The girl pushed him off, and he cleared his throat.

"Ahem. Well, there are some clothes for you," he mumbled, turning his back on [Name]. "Hurry up and get dressed, my mother wants to see you."

"Your mother?"

Sasuke rolled his eyes.

"Yes, my mother. So hurry up- she doesn't like being kept waiting."

[Name] frowned as Sasuke walked out, shutting the door behind him.

Could this have been Mikoto's doing?

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