Very nice indeed

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For once Aziraphale didn't object to Crowley's driving, although his grip on the door was a bit white knuckled. For his part, Crowley drove one handed, the other hand possessively draped on Aziraphale's thigh, an echo of the bus trip—had it only been yesterday?

At no point did Aziraphale remind him to keep both hands on the steering wheel.

Crowley practically hustled Aziraphale into the lift, arms around his waist before the doors slid shut, clutching tight. He was aware of a kind of desperate anxious hurry to seal the deal, before everything went wrong and Aziraphale reconsidered and they were back in the old sweet and painful dance. He didn't think he could survive that. Get the angel into the flat, ravish him, bask in the accomplishment. Yes.

But once they were in the flat, his energy seemed to leave him, and he stood, helpless and lost, feeling a kind of scared awe he hadn't felt since—well, since the Old Days. Standing impure, faulty and made of sharp corners and wrong desires in front of sheer Grace.

"It's all right, my dearest," Aziraphale said gently, putting his arms around his and kissing his hair. "I'm here and I'm not going to be scared away again."

"That obvious, huh?"

"Perhaps a bit." Aziraphale smiled and blinked blond eyelashes. His smile was demure and probably inappropriately prim for the situation, but it made Crowley's heart flip over and the rest of his body respond as if it had been the most deviantly demonic seduction ever. The urgency returned, and he pulled Aziraphale into the bedroom.

He say Aziraphale's green-blue eyes take in the size of the bed and the fact that, in contrast to the rest of the pristine flat, it was unmade, and saw the lips twitch in amusement. "Oh shut up ," he said, although Aziraphale hadn't actually said anything, and pulled him onto the bed.

Above him, Aziraphale smiled fondly down, removing his sunglasses. "I'm just glad that at least one room in this place looks like you actually enjoy being in it."

"Funny you should mention that, love. I'm intending on enjoying myself more here than I ever had before." He dragged Aziraphale's head down and kissed him fiercely, deeply and possessively.

"I—I'm sure you've enjoyed yourself here before—" Aziraphale stammered, when Crowley released him at last.

"Are you kidding? This is my place. No one is allowed in here but me and the greenery." Unless they were trying to kill him, but that was the last thing he wanted to think about. They were safe for now, they were together, and he'd be damned—blessed—something if he let anyone threaten Aziraphale again.

Aziraphale looked doubtful. "So this bed is a place of chastity?"

"Not when I'm thinking about you, angel," he admitted, biting Aziraphale's lip to relieve his feelings and embarrassment.

"Oh." Aziraphale seemed flustered, even with his hips melded to Crowley's and evidence of his own less than chaste state all too telling. Crowley rocked against him. " Oh. Ah, often?"

Crowley grinned up at him. "What do you think? And what about you? Ever sit alone with your books late at night and let your thoughts drift to your best friend?"

"Certainly not. I don't let my thoughts dwell on earthly pleasures," Aziraphale said, which was such a blatant fib that Crowley laughed triumphantly.

"You did . Should have known, you're a created sensualist. And I was right here, all you had to do was... Oh, my love." He wrapped his legs around Aziraphale and his forking tongue around Aziraphale's more human one, and they still had their jackets on, that was uncomfortable and in the way, too many clothes altogether when he needed to feel skin, they should just go away...

"I hope you've put them somewhere safe. I'm very fond of that jacket," Aziraphale murmured against his mouth.

"Of course," Crowley said guiltily, and manifested some neatly folded up clothes on a chair near the bed. He hoped he'd got the stitching right. He decided to distract attention by slithering a little against Aziraphale.

It worked. "Crowley!" Aziraphale yelped. His face was very still for a moment, and then he bucked, thrusting against Crowley's bare hip, rocking frenetically. Crowley wrapped his arms tight around him, kissing the side of his face and his shoulder and everywhere he could reach.

"That's it, love, that's right, come to me," he hissed encouragingly. "My love, my angel, my Aziraphale, that's right love, let go, I love you—"

Aziraphale cried out sharply and shuddered and suddenly his wings were out, arcing above them in blinding white.

Crowley reached up, tangled one hand in the feathers, stroking Aziraphale's back with the other. "Aziraphale."

Startled blue eyes met his own. "You do ? You never said."

Crowley managed to come down from his own plane of bewildered joyful desire enough to splutter. "Isn't it obvious? What do you think all this is about?"

"You're a demon."

"Yeah, and I don't usually ask someone to spend their life with me." He squeezed his eyes shut. "And you?"

"What do you think? How many angels did you say have ended up in this bed?"

"I wouldn't like to commit to a firm number— ow . Don't pinch." Fireworks were going off behind his eyes, and he was aching almost beyond belief. He tightened his fist in the feathers. "Answer the question?"

"I love you. I love you, you stupid, stupid, irritating demon." There were tears of sincerity in Aziraphale's eyes. Or maybe pain. Crowley released his grip a bit.

"Not the most romantic declaration, but I'll take it." The fireworks had become supernovas. "I love you—Aziraphale, please ..."

Aziraphale kissed his lips briefly, then slid down, and there was no room for thought any more.

At some point in the night his own wings came out, but he couldn't be sure when. All he knew was that they both put their wings away later so that he could teach Aziraphale the joy of sleeping spooned tightly in his arms, not that it wasn't a new idea to him anyway, not having cuddled much in the last sixty centuries.

And that for the first time, perhaps in ever, the future of the Earth and his own personal future seemed like a nice place.


1) And they made it there in the end! Thanks for all the support and bearing with my sappiness, I have had a wonderful ride, and loved writing every minute.

2) Um. So much so that I went straight onto the next one, "There Will Come a Day." Aziraphale's POV this time, different continuity, starting in the 1920s in the South of France.I love having a fandom in which you can pick pretty much any time and place without needing it to be an AU. I'd love it if you join me, and if not, thank you SO MUCH for reading this whole thing. Love our angel and demon always, and glad so many others do as well.

3) Image by Jess Watters from Pixabay

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