Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

"Hello, Laura. Dean." Said the figure in the back seat.

Dean cussed as the Impala swerved in his fright. The siblings immediately recognised the deep, gravelly voice which they hadn't heard in weeks. Laura spun round in her seat and there he was, trenchcoat and all. His dark hair was ruffled and flicked out at every angle and his bright blue eyes stood out even in the dark. She sensed that something was off about him. He seemed darker than usual, sadder.

"Castiel?" She questioned, frowning.

Dean turned around briefly to look at Castiel. He too frowned. "What's up, Cas?" He asked quietly, turning back to the road.

"I'm sorry but..." Castiel sighed and looked at his hands which were perched on his lap, fingers laced between one another. "It's Sam... He's dead."

"What?!" Laura tried to shout but it only came out as a weak whisper due to the lump that was now caught in my throat. She turned back and rested her head on her hands, elbows digging into her thighs. She tried desperately to fight the tears but they slid down her cheeks nonetheless. She felt sick, her stomach was twisting into tighter and tighter knots.

"No, no, no. Not Sammy." Dean murmur, he too fighting tears and tightening his grip on the steering wheel. Laura couldn't bring herself to look at her elder brother, to see his pain. It was hard enough dealing with her own. 'Sammy, our baby brother,' Laura thought sadly, 'He was our responsibility'. Her thoughts quickly clouded her mind with self-loathing; 'I shouldn't have left him' or 'I should have figured out a way to get him' and also 'I should have done something. Anything'. 'It's all my fault'

"W-why didn't you save him?" Laura quietly murmured, sniffing and looking at Castiel through the rear-view mirror. "Did you even try?"

He looked up, his eyes full of hurt. "Of course I did." He looked out the window. "It seems that my powers have no effect on the disease."

"Well that's great." Dean muttered, discreetly rubbing a tear from his face. Laura just stared out at the pearly green Hyundai but from the corner of her eye she saw Dean glance at her and back to the road. "What about Bobby?" He asked, clearing his throat and adjusting the rear-view mirror before looking at Castiel.

"He's gone too." Castiel replied sadly, returning his gaze to his hands.

Laura sighed and brought her knees up to her chest wrapping her arms around her legs. She looked at Dean, who now looked so distant and deep in his thoughts. His face was emotionless but his eyes gave him away, as always. They were tear-filled and just empty of that small glimmer of hope that seemed to just continue to get smashed into smaller and smaller pieces. They were blank. Dead.

Castiel leaned forwards and placed a reassuring hand on Dean's shoulder, his fingers gently digging into Dean's worn out leather jacket. Dean did not react, he just kept looking blankly out at the road.

"I'll be back soon." He vaguely said. With a brief nod to Laura, Castiel removed his hand and disappeared with a small gust of wind.


It was morning. At least Laura assumed that it was, having just woken up in the back of the Impala. The sky was covered in a thick, grey cloud which glared brightly down upon everything. It was like the world was trapped under a glass dome for not even a bird was present in the sky. Every breath she took ached in her chest. She was fed up with feeling so lost and down. She was sick of the weight that seemed to be crushing her and everyone around her. Everything felt heavy; every breath; every word. But then she remembered the events of last night. Castiel coming back into her life. She remembered how dark it was and how it grew even darker when Castiel left.

Laura sighed as she sat up, carefully stretching her stiff neck and shoulders, and leaned against the door with her feet up on the seat. She bent her knees so that she sat in a half-foetal position and rested her head in her hands with another sigh. 'Dammit Sam.' She thought sadly.

Looking out the window she saw that the new group of survivors and Dean were surrounding the bonnet of one of the vehicles with a large map spread out on the surface. She decided to see what the plan was so she swung her legs around and got out of the car.

"So we're blocked." She heard Dean mutter as she got closer to the group. He dragged a hand across his mouth; something he often did when he was thinking.

"Only thing to do is double back at twenty seventh and swing towards Greenville." Rick said, pointing at the map.

"We picked through that already, it's like we spent the winter going in circles." Said the African-American that Laura knew as T-Dog.

"Yeah, I know, I know." Rick nodded, looking at him. "At Newnan we'll push west. Haven't been through the area. We can't keep going house to house." He glanced briefly at Lori, his pregnant wife, who was looking sadly out of the window and stroking her bump just like when Laura first saw her, with nothing but sadness in his eyes. "We need to find some place to hold up for a few weeks."

"Alright. Is it cool if we get to the creek before we head out? It won't take long. We gotta fill up on water, we can boil it later." T-Dog inquired, pointing a thumb back to where the creek was.

Rick nodded. "Knock yourself out."

When everyone went back to the cars, and Rick and Hershel had a quiet discussion, Laura pulled Dean aside. She looked at him. Right in his eyes. Which were green, like hers except his looked dull; broken. "How're you holdin' up?" She asked.

Dean broke the eye contact to look at the forest behind her, in which Rick and Daryl were about to dissappear into. "I'm fine." He murmured, looking back to her with a blank expression and crossing his arms across his chest.

She sighed sharply, reminding Dean of their little brother for a moment. "In that case, I guess I'm fine too."

Dean pulled her in for a hug but quickly pushed her back. He bent down so that their eyes were level, his hands on her upper arms like he was speaking to a child. "We're gonna be fine okay? Don't worry about it."

Laura half-heartledly smiled and nodded, even though she wasn't sure that she agreed with her brother. There was a feeling in the pit of her stomach and it was like she knew something bad was going to happen. More often than not, this gut-feeling was right.

"I'm gonna catch those guys up, okay? See you in a few." Laura smiled at Dean, and went to follow Daryl and Rick but stopped when Dean grabbed her gently by the wrist.

"You be careful, you hear?" He said, pulling her in for another hug.

She patted him between his shoulders, "I promise."


They weren't walking for long. The trio were following an old set of train tracks that had weeds and ivy growing along the iron rails. Rick and Daryl stopped abruptly, so Laura almost walked into Rick. It took her a moment to realise what they were looking at: a prison.


So how was that?

Hope you guys enjoyed.

Can't wait for season 5.

Keep safe.

~Zoe x

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2015 ⏰

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