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The young waiter places our menus on the table and smiles. His eyes trail over my figure, but his attention flickers to Marcus. He grabs a notebook from his pocket and points to the wine list.

"Can I bring you any refreshments?"

"Your most expensive bottle of wine, thank you. I only want the best for my lady." Marcus chuckles.

"Yes, Mr. Sherman." He nods.

He scribbles on the page and dashes to the bar. Marcus wrinkles his nose as he picks up the menu.

"Is everything okay?"

"Mr. Sherman has always been my father, so it's weird to hear."

"You can dress like your father, have his last name, but you are nothing like him."

"Thank you, Tikera." He tugs on a smile.

"This place is stunning! I can't believe we're eating here, and the pink flowers are beautiful."

"Since you were taken by the tulips, I requested asters for the table."

"Thank you."

"What other flowers do you like?"

"I'm reading about flowers and their meanings, and it's opened me up to so many flowers I've never heard of. I don't know how someone could pick a favourite when there's so many to choose from."

"Do you know what these mean?"

"Yes, a mix of love and elegance."

"I picked well for tonight."

"Yes, you did." I nod.

His eyes sparkle and my heart races, probably from nerves. Marcus points to the menus and smirks.

"Don't hold back ordering because the company card can take the hit."

"Okay! You're making me feel like a kid in a candy store."

"Please enjoy it, adulthood rarely allows us a moment to feel young."

I open the menu and bite my lip because everything might as well be written in another language.

"Do you know what you want?"

"I um, I have no idea. I've never heard of these dishes."

"Do you want me to order for you?"

"That would be great, thank you!"

"Is there anything you won't eat, like seafood?"

"Nope, I'll eat it all." I laugh.

"Thank goodness! I once went on a date and the girl only wanted spinach and mushrooms."

"Wow, that's insane!"

I close the menu and rest against the chair. Marcus slides his fingers through his brown hair and looks at me. He squirms in his chair and raises an eyebrow.

"What are you looking at?"

"Don't take this the wrong way, but you look good tonight." I smile.

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