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Lavender whirls around as I walk through the garden which is lit by twinkly lights. I inhale the fresh night air and yank on the door. It doesn't open which leaves me groaning.

"Hey Austin, are you there?" I stomp my shoe on the wooden door.

When nothing happens, I crouch beside it and frown. I hope it's locked, and that Austin isn't trapped.

It swings open and I topple onto the ground. Austin's head pokes out and he laughs.

"Come back in five because I'm dealing with something."

"Oh, alright." I nod.

He disappears while I stagger to my feet. I brush the dirt off and look around. It's dark and I want to sleep.

"Wait a minute." I twirl around and grin.

I leap onto the bed in the garden and snuggle into the plush cushions. The moon casts silver beams of light onto the house and the stars twinkle against the inky blue sky. I could spend the whole night here, which might be the case if Austin doesn't hurry.

The door opens and a duffle bag is tossed out. Austin climbs out along with two other men.

"I'll meet you around the front." Austin nods.

A slender man with a wispy grey beard hooks the strap over his shoulder and walks ahead. The other trudges along with a frown.

"You only need to watch the plants."

"No visitors I should know about?"

"He thought you weren't ready for it."

"Not ready, really? I thought—"

"Don't take it personally. You just started, you have to earn his trust." He shrugs. "I'll see you tomorrow, hungover and a little grumpy."

"Sounds about right." I sigh. "Please don't be late this time."

"But I'm always late!" He chuckles. "Can I bring you coffee to make up for it?"

"Only if it's ice-coffee because real coffee tastes disgusting without a mountain of sugar in it."

"One cup of sugar, maybe some milk and coffee in it." He nods.

"Just remember, you need me."

"I'll be sure to bring extra sugar." He winks.

He wanders away while I toss my bag into the hole and climb down.

There're cutting supplies laid across the plastic tabletop, and the stripped plants form a line on the right side of the batch. It would be interesting to get a harvest shift, but those men scare me.

Since the bedding hasn't been touched since last time, I stretch across and nuzzle my face into the pillow. My day has been bleak but I'm exhausted.

My stomach rumbles and I groan.

"How can you be hungry?"

I collect my bag from the ground and toss it onto the bench. As I empty it, my water bottle rolls across the table and bumps into an old radio.

It's dusty and banged up but I press buttons and hope for the best. Static noise crackles through the speakers as I move the dial. I adjust the bent antenna and a song by Cardi B plays.

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