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There's a bag sitting on the table which must serve as some kind of warning, like putting the head of one's enemies on a stake to ward future attackers off.

Although, it's just a bag; a piece of plastic, really, and not the thieving hand that stole it. It would paint a better picture if it was a hand or at least a bloodied bag.

A bloodied bag or a hand would work the same. Sometimes less is more, especially in an industry like this. It's far better to fear ideas and be lost in a sea of mystery than know the truth.

I wonder what happened in order to get the bag. Physical contact, probably, but to what extent? Broken bones, missing teeth or a death sentence? Death seems extreme, but he joked about removing my eyes once.

Sometimes it's best not to know, otherwise I'd need to call him kitty or fluffy to ensure I'm not terrified.

Shaking my head, I take a seat on the stool and grab the paperwork from the drawer. I empty the sheets onto the table and search through them. I fill out a few details and shove them back into the folder.

The door opens and two men climb down. They don't utter a word as they occupy their seats at the table. Neither look at the bag as they get to work.

If The Boss can create this hole for plants, perhaps there's one for holding thieves?

Again, none of that matters and I really shouldn't be thinking about it.

* * * * *

The warning serves its purpose. There are no missing bags, and I'm happy because I can't come back from a second incident and I don't want to be on his bad side.

The smile slips as Austin climbs down the ladder. I haven't seen The Boss in days, and I miss his brooding blue eyes. He's in the house because I've seen the study light on and girls come and go.

Austin looks through the paperwork and nods his head.

"Nice work."


He places the pages in the folder and raises his eyebrow.

"Is there something wrong? You looked surprised to see me."

"Well, I thought The Boss would check on the paperwork considering what happened last time."

"He's a busy man, he can't keep babysitting you."

"I guess that's what you're here for then." I laugh.

Austin shakes his head and scowls like a baby. Perhaps I'm really here to babysit him? Either way, I brightly smile which deepens his scowl.

"I triple counted and watched them like a hawk. Nobody is going to mess with me again." I flick my nose into the air and chuckle.

"The Boss went on a rampage to find that bag, so nobody will think about stealing under your watch."

"What happened?" I gasp.

"He put the three workers in the hospital with shattered bones and concussions."

"Shoot." I wrinkle my nose. "I was wondering what happened."

"He thinks one of them is working for someone else, but they wouldn't admit it. I thought he was going to kill them at one point." Austin shakes his head. "Once he starts, you can't stop him until he gets what he wants."

"Did he work it out?"

"It took three men to drag him out of the warehouse. We don't know who took it, but the bag appeared the next day. The Boss will find a way to make them talk sooner or later."

"Yeah, it wouldn't surprise me."

"Men tend to spill their secrets when you're slicing away their skin." Austin chuckles.

"Some secrets aren't worth your life."

"There are some secrets people are willing to take to their grave." His brown eyes darken and it sends a shiver down my spine.

I cross my arms and inhale a deep breath, but my heart rate increases. My knees tremble and my body tingles. I never want to be on his bad side. Would he beat me, though? I hope I never find out.

"You should go home and sleep. Good work with the harvest shift."

"Yeah, uh, thanks." I nod.

Austin wanders around me and searches through the filing cabinet. I swing my backpack over my shoulder and head to the ladder. I peer over my shoulder and bite my lip.

He looks up and nods.

"I'll see you tomorrow."

"Goodbye." He waves.

As I climb the ladder, my knees shake and my stomach churns. I shove the door open and throw myself onto the grass. I roll onto my back and stare at the blue sky. The sweet scent of lavender calms my heartbeat.

I roll to the side and smile at the addition of the jasmine plants. The deep leafy green bush looks stunning with the tiny white flowers. I scramble to my feet and wander to the front yard.

Yellow light splashes onto the bricks as I wander past the house. I lean against my car and gaze into the window. The light illuminates his tall, muscular silhouette which makes him look even more ominous, if that's even possible.

The Boss stands behind a large wooden desk holding a piece of paper. He puts a hand in his pocket and places the page on the desk. He picks up another and shakes his head.

I wonder if he's frowning, that brooding one which makes my stomach knot, or if it's the cute frown he makes when he's pondering.

My heart flutters and I smile because it's the first time I've seen him in a while. I shake my head but it doesn't remove the large smile hurting my cheeks.

He turns to the side and despite the finer details masked by the light, it's enough to get me moving. I unlock my car and dive behind the wheel. I shakily intertwine my fingers and stare at the carpet.

The light is turned off and I sigh.

For a man who scares me, I can't seem to run away, and I don't know why.

* * * * *

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