Headcanons Part 1

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Random headcanons I've come up with, some of which I'm really proud of, some which I'm not and all of which I'm going by in this particular one-shot series.

You can have your own headcanons and not agree with mine.

Also, trigger warning for PTSD.

These first fourteen are the more angsty/sad ones (Not really the first three, but anyway)

1 - After the whole Inevitable thing, Emma wasn't infected, thanks to some of the doctors, nurses and security guards stepping in very quickly.

2 - The infection was treated through isolation and some fancy medication, and everyone was pretty much cured. 

3  - Sometimes, however, they still slip up and end up singing, although it's nowhere near the level of what it was.

4 - Emma has PTSD.

5 - She's the only one to have it though, as something in the medication the others got prevented it. 
(I'm not thrilled with this one, but I'm going with it)

6 - Part of this PTSD includes really bad nightmares, which is common among people with the condition.

7 - When she wakes up from said nightmares, she's often pretty out of it. Whenever Paul goes to touch her, especially on the shoulders or arms, she either flinches away violently or goes to hit him away, in fear he'll somehow hurt her.

8 - This breaks Paul's heart every time.

9 - Emma has panic attacks on a regular basis

10 - Every time Emma hears a siren she freezes, looks around wildly and depending on how close the sirens are and how many of them there are, cries and has a panic attack.

11 - Other things that give her set her off are singing (Obviously), any sort of upbeat tune (Like tv jingles), slime (It sounds stupid, but it's not), driving or going near the meteorite crash site. Those are just the big things, there are a few others.

(When I say driving or going near the crash site I don't mean driving sets her off, I mean driving near the site, just for classification)

12 - In some ways, Paul believes it's his fault that Emma has PTSD. She tries to reassure him it's not his fault, but he never believes her.

(I did a lot of research on PTSD. I also have a close family member living with it. I will try to make it as realistic as possible, as I don't want to offend anyone or romanticize the condition. I know how it feels to have a condition you have being romanticized, and it's horrible, I don't want to do that to anyone else)

13 - Emma has a scar running almost the entire way around her thigh from the accident. She hates it and thinks it makes her ugly/not as attractive. She refuses to wear shorts, even around Paul.

14 - Emma's leg gives her hell.

Now for the lighter, not as heavy stuff.

15 - Alice moved in with Bill.

16 - Alice never really got along with her mother in the first place. Her mother just won the custody battle and Alice didn't really get a say.

17 - Paul is Alice's godfather. It just makes sense with the babysitting, driving to school and the thinking he's cool.

18 - Alice and Emma are surprisingly really close.

19 - Alice really looks up to Emma and see's her as the big sister she never had.

20 - Bill doesn't love Alice being home alone ever since the invasion, so Emma goes around to hang out with Alice so she doesn't feel like she's being babysat. They do normal girl things and chat.

21 - Emma helped Alice chose her prom dress

22 - Emma actually really likes Charlotte and considers her to be her best friend.

23 - She also really likes Melissa.

24 - Charlotte and Ted's affair grew into something more.

25 - Emma HATES Ted with a passion. But, because Charlotte likes him so much she deals with him and tries her hardest to support their relationship.

26 - Paul ended up signing up for the softball league.

27 -The team Paul, Bill, Ted, Charlotte, and Melissa are on is called the Volcanos and their colors are red, orange and yellow.
(Disclaimer - I have no clue how company softball leagues work. I've done some very minimal research and I'm guessing from there)

28 - Emma goes to every game.

29 - So does Alice.

30 - Sometimes Deb tags along too.

31 - Emma and Alice are the 'official' cheerleaders of the team. Deb is an honorary cheerleader when she comes.

32 - Emma takes the cheerleading role very seriously. She even made herself, Alice and Deb pom poms.

33 - Paul thinks this is adorable.

34 - Games are on Sundays

35 - The games usually include a barbeque dinner or lunch (Depending on whatever time they decide to play that week)

36 - Everyone brings a different item of food so it's not up to one person to make everything.

37 - Ted usually brings beer, Bill brings barbeque meats like burgers and sausages (And when Deb comes, some corn or another barbequeable vegetable so she can have something too), Charlotte makes a pretty decent salad, Melissa makes kebabs with beef and vegetables (And when she knows Deb is coming just vegetables), Paul often brings some sort of snack food like chips and dip and bread and rolls for the meat and Emma is know for her dessert, so she always makes some kind of sweet food to bring.

38 - Ted always ends up drunk. Every time without fail. Why? Because he's Ted.

39 - Paul and Bill make daily trips to Beanies. Sometimes Charlotte, Melissa and/or Ted tag along too.

40 - Alice and Deb are also regulars.

41 - Emma knows everyone above's orders off by heart.

42 - She gets mildly annoyed when they change their order, all in good spirit of course.

43 - Emma refuses to let Nora, Zoey or anyone else serve anyone above when they come in. If they try she'll stop what she's doing so she can do it.

44 - This really pisses Nora and Zoey off, but they let her do it

Plus this random extra one that's a mix of angsty and fluffy:

45: Alice was cast as the lead in her school musical. Bill invited Paul and Emma to come along, though he was worried about how Emma would react. Determined not to let her mental disorder get in the way of her live, she went. Even though she nearly had a panic attack when the first song started and she saw Alice start to sing, she was glad she went. Paul was very proud of her.


It annoys me I had to stop on 45, but if I didn't stop there I would if kept going to about one hundred I'm sure. Well, at least it's a nice number (When I say a nice number, I mean dividable by 5)
If you made it this far, congrats.

The next chapter is going to be more headcanons, but they're going to be Paul and Emma focused ones.

Goodbye my friends (Worst conclusion ever, I'll work on it)

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