Lost In The Crowd

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Malls in December were always hell.

There were people going in all directions, pushing and shoving to get to what they want. Christmas music played from the overhead speakers but you could never hear it over all the yelling.

And it was only the third.

"What about this one?" Paul asked, pointing to the first item he saw on the self.

"No! It needs to be perfect!" Emma said, twisting her hands around frantically and looking up at him. She didn't mean to whiny, but she was stressed. Really stressed. The crowds freaked her out to no end, and the constant noise of the carols, that apparently only she could hear, made everything worse.

She wanted to get out of there as quick as she could, but of course, she couldn't find what she wanted (Not that she knew what that something was) and was forced to stay longer than she needed.

"Okay," Paul soothed, turning back to the shelf "What about this then? Honestly I don't think it really matters what you get her, she's not going to care what it is"

He went to look at her for approval, or disapproval, but when he turned around she wasn't there.

Oh. Shit.

A wave of panic washed over him, his mind immediately going to the worst possible scenario. Emma had done many strange things in the time they've been together, but disappearing in the middle of a busy shopping center was not one of them, until now at least.

"Em!" He called down the aisles, running up and down each of the ones around him, checking most of them twice. He thought of ringing her, before quickly remembering that it wasn't an option since due to the lack of pockets in everything she was wearing, she left her phone at home.

His panic was getting worse as he began to venture into other parts of the store. Where was she, and more importantly, was she alright?

He searched the store frantically. He finally understood the stories Bill told him of the panic he felt when he lost Alice in the store, though it wasn't a child he was looking for, it was his 30 year old girlfriend. What a story this would turn out to be.

Just as he was about to leave the store he was in and tackle the rest of the mall he found her, sitting leaning against a cart of basketballs while spinning one in her hands.

"Emma!" He yelled as soon as he was in close enough range for her to hear him. Her head snapped up at the sound of his voice and she smiled weakly as he approached her.

"Em! What are you doing! Don't run off like that! My god, I nearly had a heart attack!" Paul said frantically, sitting down next to her.

"Sorry" Emma mumbled looking down at the ball. Paul knew straight away that something was wrong. The lack of eye contact or even looking in the direction of the person talking, Paul learned a while ago, was a major warning sign that something wasn't right.

"Hey, what's going on in that pretty little head of yours?" He asked softly, prying one of her hands off the ball and into his.

"I don't know... I got overwhelmed I guess" She shrugged. He squeezed her hand tighter.

"Why didn't you say anything? We could of left to go somewhere else"

"I know, and I'm sorry. It's just, if I didn't leave right then something bad would've happened. I could feel it bubbling, you know?"

"Yeah I get that. And as much as you scared me, I'm proud of you for removing yourself before everything got to much"

"Thanks" She sighed, leaning into his arm slightly. He smiled softly. They were on the other side of the hill now.

"Do you wanna go home? We can sit on the couch, cuddle and watch the Grinch"

"As great as that sounds, the mall is going to get more hectic the longer we leave it. It's better to just get it done now"

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah," Emma said, finally turning to look at him with a small smile "I'm sure. But we're watching the Grinch when we get home"

Paul laughed and got up off the floor, holding out a hand to her so she could pull herself up.

Yeah, malls in December are definitely a hassle, but when you tackle them as a team, and when you're promised your favourite Christmas movie and cuddles when you get home, they aren't so bad.


This wasn't that Christmassy, schwoopsie.

The Grinch would 100% be Emma's favourite Christmas movie and no one can convince me otherwise. It's going to be mentioned a lot through all this.

The hill analogy is what I use as a code for my own anxiety, especially when I'm around other people. Either that or the hiccups (Which I get super often anyway so it's a code that works well)

And that's all for now, bye! *<:)

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