Avec Les Bras Grands Ouverts

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He had known she was betrothed; she was betrothed to his brother. But being himself, he had decided to damn the consequences to hell. He was not sorry for his actions, only her resulting pain. He had probably lost her now. Sebastian knew that if he ever wanted Mary to even be friends with him, he would have to apologize, so he set off through the castle in search of her.
By that point, Mary had already run through the castle. Mary ran and ran, with tears streaming down her face unbeknownst to her. It seemed like forever to her before she stopped, and when she did, she smelled the musty air of the stables and heard the horses moving and whinnying all around her. The stables had always been her favorite place and Mary knew she would be able to assess her emotions there. She paced up and down the aisle angrily. Why had he kissed her after ignoring her? He knew she was betrothed! He was supposed to be her friend and support her, not mess everything up! But she had liked his kiss. She had wanted to kiss him back. Mary knew that if he kissed her again she wouldn't be able to stop herself from kissing him back. What was she thinking? She was betrothed! To Francis, Bash's brother no less! Half brother really, but she shouldn't even be thinking about that. Mary pulled at her hair and kicked angrily at the ground. She was just so frustrated, she couldn't believe she had let her feelings slip in again; they were going to ruin everything for Scotland and she couldn't have that. She couldn't be a disappointment to her mother, or her people, or herself. Mary sank to the floor, leaning against a stall and began to cry again.
She cried quietly, not wanting to be found. She cried for her country, she cried because her feelings betrayed her, and she cried because she didn't have a choice in who she loved.
Despite her silence, she was found, as it was known that she was fond of the stables. Someone sat beside her and wrapped their arms around her. Bash. She leaned into him and sobbed. "Shh," he whispered, "it will be okay. I'm sorry, Mary, I shouldn't have kissed you." He rocked her gently and kept whispering soothing words into her ear until she calmed down. She lifted her head from his shoulder and wiped her eyes. Bash lifted his arm from her shoulder and made to leave. "You're leaving?" Mary asked.
"Why would you want me to stay? I'll send my brother," he turned.
He paused and his heart jumped in his chest, his stomach dropped and he took a shaky breath, "Mary, I'm not what you need right now. I was wrong to have kissed you, you're betrothed to my brother, and I should leave." He heard her stand.
"Bash. Sebastian, look at me!" He turned slowly, but looked anywhere but at her eyes. He knew he shouldn't feel guilty that he loved her and he didn't, but he felt bad that he had hurt her.
"Bash, stay, please. I just got you back. I don't want to lose my friend." Her voice broke on 'friend' and Bash embraced her as she began to cry again.
He stroked her hair to comfort her, "You won't lose me, Mary," he said. 'You couldn't if you tried,' he thought.
They stood there until Mary had calmed down again. She looked up at him, "Thank you for staying."
"You asked me to," he replied.
"How did you find me?" Mary wondered.
"The stables have always been your favorite place. I thought they might be still, and I was right." Bash smiled a little, remembering a younger Mary hiding from a younger version of himself in the stables.
"We should go back, people might start to wonder where we are," Mary interrupted his thoughts.
"Yes, I suppose you are right," he agreed with a sigh.

Author's Note

Hey y'all! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please vote and comment! xox

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