Chapter One

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Harry's POV

The loud bass from the music pounded in my ears as I kept my gaze on the petite brunette girl. Her hips swaying to the beat, as she kept eye contact with the man in front of her. Her long hair fell over her shoulders, framing her curvy figure. The man seeming to be older, much older than the young girl in front of him. His hair was short, and blonde; his face tattooed with a scruffy beard that clearly has been growing for weeks on end. The girl smiled, throwing her hair back laughing; obviously intoxicated. I'm not one to stereotype, but in this case this girl looks innocent. Innocent enough to not know what she's doing in the hands of this scum; at least much older men don't seem like her type.  Although, I could be wrong, looks can be deceiving. Maybe, it's her big doe like eyes that have me captivated, or its the way her body flows so smoothly and easily. Properly the second one.

A hand slapped me on the back, bringing me out of my daydream; not much to my liking, I liked where my gaze was set.

"I see you've noticed Tasha?" Niall asks, as I turn to the side to face him. He too had his eyes on the beauty, biting his lip in captivation. "She's one hell of a girl, isn't she?"

I slowly nodded in agreement, moving my head to look back at 'Tasha'. Her back was now facing me, and I was left a little disappointed with the view. If only she'd turn around so I can see her eyes again.

"She's an Ice Queen." Niall says, sipping his share of an alcoholic beverage.

"An Ice Queen?"

"Bro, a girl that beautiful can't be real. Plus she's off limits." Niall says, leaning against the bar behind him, pushing his now empty glass towards the mixoligist behind the bar. "I'll take a beer" He orders, his voice sounding slurred, as he struggled to form the right words to fall off of his tongue correctly.

"How is she off limits?" I asked, suddenly more intrigued in this beauty. Was she already taken, and at a club dancing with other men? Did Niall have his eyes on her?

"She's Liam's cousin. Staying for awhile; she got in some trouble or something, so her step dad sent her here." I let this newly found information sink in slowly. She was off limits because she's my best friends cousin? Well fuck. Just my luck.

"She looks totally bang-able," Niall laughed, lightly nudging my side. "Do you think she's a virgin?"

It was now my turn to laugh at his ridiculous assumptions.

"Why don't you go ask?" I smugly said, challenging the blonde Irish man beside me. He looked up at me, raising an eyebrow.

"No way bro. Like I said she's off limits." He defends, raising his palms as if to say he surrendered. "Be my guest to go talk to her, but Liam will kill you if he finds out."

"Don't worry, that blonde over there looks like an easy shag anyways." I replied, glancing back at the tall, busty blonde across the bar. I noticed she had been watching me all night, winking or flicking her hair over her shoulder whenever I looked at her. Niall followed my gaze with his eyes.

"Right, she's hot." He blew out, obviously keeping his eyes on any part of the girls body beside her face. "You can't keep your eyes on one girl for more than five minutes, can you?" He joked.

"Here's your beer." The mixoligist said, sliding Niall a new glass of beer over the bar counter. I looked back at the blonde, seeing that she was eying me up and down with no shame in her system, pushing her breasts out a bit. I had to hold back a laugh, she was trying to hard; she was an easy target, for me that is. I flashed her a closed smile, which turned into a smirk as she moved her pointer finger, enticing me to follow her.

"Right, I need a good fuck. I'll text you later." I said, following the blonde and not looking back.


I hope you enjoyed the first chapter. Yes, it's short and it's meant to be. I want to see if people want me to continue on with this story so feedback is hugely appreciated :)

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