- Jin -

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Jin's p.o.v :

" okay who broke this plate ? " I questioned

" ...Me " replied Jimin

" okay then " I said , I knew Jimin had been crying his eyes were red and he looked tired.
I didn't want to make his mood Worse just because he probably accidentally broke a plate.

" ...How come when I break stuff you yell at me ? " replied Namjoon

" ...Namjoon can I talk to you outside for a second...Jimin please clean up the glass " I quickly said.

" wait...I broke the plate I'll clean in up " said Jungkook

" you don't need to...go hang out with Yugyeom or something " said Jimin bitterly

" Jimin Hyung - "

" you know what ? You can clean it up , Jin Hyung I'm going to the mall with
Taemin Hyung I'll buy you a new plate " Jimin quickly said walking out the door.

" I'll...clean the plate then " Jungkook said sadly walking away.

I sighed , I had no idea what was going on with the boys , yesterday I could of sworn
They were laughing and kissing each other and now...they hate each other suddenly , I
Quickly grabbed Namjoon who was just as confused as me...we both had no idea what
Was going on.




" We need to solve this...every week it looks like one of the guys are crying , your their
Leader and I'm the eldest...we need to be there for them...but I can't figure it out - " I told him.

" I know the problem...Jungkook Won't tell Jimin how he feels " sighed Namjoon

" is it because Yoongi likes him...? Jungkook said he read something , we need to find
Out what it is..."  I said

" so your suggesting we break into his room ? That's dangerous..." said Namjoon

" it's our only choice...now let's go "



" ...okay why does he have the twilight series here ? " said Jin confused

" I saw him burn these ? ...but look his whole shelf  has romantic books...is he going through
Some phase  ? " questioned Namjoon picking up his novel of Romeo and Juliet.

" ...maybe but ugh we can't find the book "

" looking for this ? " asked Yoongi who was standing behind them holding the book in his hand.

" ...where did you come from ? " said Namjoon startled

" Me ? I've been here since yesterday "


" ...Okay then so basically Jungkook said he's going on a date with yugyeom...and he just cried
With yugyeom on the staircase for hours ? " said Taemin confused

" yes ! I'm so annoyed ! I confessed to him ! And he..."

" Jimin...maybe he did it for a reason , have you looked at his eyes...they have love for you "
Said Taemin dramatically.

" maybe he does love me...maybe I should talk to him " said Jimin

" when you get home definitely talk to him " encouraged Taemin

" Taemin did you steal my shirt !  " said Minho walking down the stairs

" We have the same closet ! " argued Taemin

" Well - oh hi Jimin " waved Minho

" Hi Hyung...I guess I'll be going now , I have dance practice soon " said Jimin checking the
Time on his phone.

" you want me to drop you Jimin ? " offered Minho 

" no it's fine I called an uber " replied Jimin

" ...are you sure about that...you can't really trust companies like that "

" it's fine , they actually have the name of your diver and you can see where your going , I'll
Be fine , bye guys ! " waved Jimin

He left SHINee's apartment and walked downstairs, he looked outside and his Taxi was already
There , the guy smiled creepily at him but he didn't think much of it.

Since the guy didn't talk at all he pulled out his phone and saw his messages ,
it was from his  Uber driver...saying he was waiting outside for him ,
for the past 20 minutes...if  his driver was still at Taemin's house then...
Who's car is he sitting in...

Yoonmin -  A story  about Jikook Where stories live. Discover now