- confession-

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Jimin's p.o.v :

Hundreds of confessions without success
I feel so unconfident should I just go back
I say I'll confess for sure
but it's pointless with no actions in the end
Can't keep my head up in front of you
I'm in love with you, why are these words so hard
I keep hesitating to say over and over again
Why is it so hard just to write a simple letter
I keep writing and tearing it over and over again

You may not feel the same way as I do
I may never see you again,
that's what I'm afraid of
Don't have the courage to tell you
With this song let me
open my heart to you

I love you, baby I,
I love you (for a very long time)
I love you, baby I,
I love you (I do)

All day long I wait for your reply
I keep writing and erasing to make sure
there's no mistake in my words
I accidently say things that I don't mean
The dramatic lines
that I practiced in front of the mirror
Are all forgotten when I stand
in front of you, flustering me
My hands hesitate in front of yours

My heartbeat sound getting louder,
you might hear it yeah
You may not feel the same way as I do
I may never see you again, that's what I'm afraid of
Don't have the courage to tell you
With this song let me open my heart to you

I love you, baby I,
I love you (for a very long time)
I love you, baby I,
I love you (I do)

My heart beats like a DRUM
My arms just wait for the day to hug you tight
My calendar just waits for the day marked red
My confession just waits for my courage
Though I am still a timid fool
I hope this song I wrote for countless nights
Deliver my sincerity
Take one side of the earphone in your hand
Shall we?

I love you, baby I,
I love you (for a very long time)
I love you, baby I,
I love you (I do)

I took of my Ear phones , I always loved Jungkook's singing but I couldn't understand
Why Adora said it was only for me ? Jungkook was avoiding me lately and I didn't like it.

" ...Jungkook-ah...are you okay you -" I tried to say

" I'm fine...I need to find Taehyung bye ! " he quickly said walking off.

" Jin Hyung ! " I called dramatically

" yes my child ? " he asked

" kooks...ignoring me ! " I sighed

" ...or maybe something else...Jungkook doesn't express his feeling through words...
Mostly...song...maybe if he's been listening to something or singing a song lately...
Listen to the lyrics carefully it could portray what he is feeling.

" SHI- "

" Language Jimin ! "

" Oh sorry Hyung ! I just really need to find Hobi ! Bye ! " screamed Jimin , running into
Hoseoks room.

" Jimin ? You okay ? "

" NO! " he screamed

" okay sit down let's talk about this "


" Wait...WHAT "




" Taehyung ! I think I should leave BTS ! No I should leave and change my name to
Justin seagull " groaned Jungkook on the floor

" Jungkook your over reacting , aren't you an international playboy ? Haven't you
Written a love song for Jimin  ? "

" when RM Helps me with lyrics , I literally just talk about Jimin for hours...but I'm over Jimin now he
Doesn't like me...I accept it "

" really ? Your over him.  ? " laughed Taehyung

" yeah ! "

" what colour is his eyes ? "

" the look dark brown ...from a distance but there actually the colour of
Rich hazel , the kind of colour that makes you want to stare at his eyes forever- "

" Jungkook's your still in love with him and it's not a bad thing , so don't worry
If Jimin choose then he will confront you about it "

" and If he doesn't? "

" Then I'm 100% sure that it's Jimin and a clone "

" seriously? "

" have you seen the way he looks at you ? It's true love "

" I hope you are right..."

" I'm amazing! Of course I'm Right "

" ...why am I even friends with you ? "

" HEy ! "

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