Ch. 15

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 Chapter 5: Death isn't the only way to meet the devil.

She blinked furiously. Her eyes clearly showing the irritation that was building up within her. "Allison, is that the way I taught you to address your Elders?"

I squeezed the phone in my hand tighter, feeling the rage grow inside me. It made me want to scream at her and tell her that I knew everything. Ruin her fun because she was clearly a horrible person. "I forgot something!" My legs took the stairs two at a time, rushing past my mother and the man as I bolted out the door. 

I ran as fast as I could, hoping that Ryder was still at the end of the driveway. It had been 3 minutes - 5 minutes tops since I left him there and waved goodbye. With all the luck that I could be granted, he would still be there, but he wasn't. Ryder was long gone. 

I paced the end of the driveway, contemplating whether I should call him or not when I heard the door bang on its hinges behind me. I looked back and saw the top of my mother's head darting from side to side as she looked for me. 

Not a single bone in my body wanted to be close to her. I hated her voice. I hated her hair. I hated her stupid tan and her pretty legs. 

I looked down at the phone and hit the call button. Ryder was second after MOM. I hit call and put the phone to my ear, listening to it ring as I watched my mother head back into the house. "Please pick up," I whispered. He was still driving and answering the phone wasn't advised but I needed him more than I had before. 

The phone clicked- the sound of the wind in the receiver picking up as Ryder drove. "Hey Ally, miss me already?"

Under other circumstances, I would've laughed. But the sickening feeling in my stomach was too much to bother about laughing. "I need you to come back and get me. I'll meet you on the way."

His voice became panicked. "Is everything okay?"

I shook my head, forgetting that he couldn't see me. I heard the door again and looked back. They were both standing on the porch now. "Just hurry up!" I took off running without listening to a response from Ryder. I needed to get away from there. Fast.

My legs pumped faster than I thought they ever could. Within a minute, I was already off the graveled path and heading for the highway. I was panting, almost exhausted from the run and continued in a slow jog instead. The sweat that trickled down the sides of my face stung as it rolled into my eyes. I was having a hard enough time trying to keep from crying and that made it worse. 

Just thinking about it. Thinking about them. Together. In our house. In my Dad's bed. I doubled over, the sickness growing as I thought of the betrayal that my Dad knew nothing about. How would he feel? What would he do if he found out? The sound of screeching tires woke me out of my delirium as I stood bent over.

"Allison!" I looked up to see Ryder's head and arm out the window. A look of confusion eating up the normally relaxed features on his face. 

I pulled myself up, willing my legs into a short jog as I crossed the street to his car. "Allison, what the hell happened?" He continued to prod as I slid into the passenger seat and buried my face between my knees. The sting in my eyes was getting worse, my throat becoming tighter as I used up the oxygen in my body. 

Truth be told, I needed to talk. I wanted to be held and comforted by Ryder while he told me that it would be okay, but for now, I needed to get far away from here. My head gently lifted, slightly angling toward Ryder in the driver seat. "Can you take me to your house?" The car speeding off in the opposite direction was enough of an answer for me. I had effectively gotten away from her. I'd decide later if I really intended to go back and continue to suffer, for now, it was just nice to have that distance. 

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