Ch. 21

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Chapter 21: Getting in too deep 

The wait for Ryder seemed endless as I paced the outer hallway of the counseling room. They hadn't taken him far, thankfully, and I heard enough chatter in the hallway to know that he was close by from other students.

It was almost lunch and I'd managed to skip my last two classes, feigning some cramps and pleading that I needed to stay in the nurse's office. Known for my inability to lie, no one questioned me too much but my stomach really was beginning to turn. Either from the small seemingly harmless lie or from the fact that I was growing more anxious as I waited for Ryder to tell me what the hell was going on.

When it was clear that the door wouldn't be opening, I finally gave up and made my way back to the Nurse's office. I curled into the empty bed that I'd placed my books on and closed my eyes. Ryder has his issues. He had flaws and his past and his mysterious secret that caused him to be followed. But he also had a good heart, one that I'd been privy to see since we met three weeks ago.

I couldn't unfairly judge him, not before I knew what was going on.

Time seemed to race by and soon it was the end of the period. The bell overhead sent me flying straight up, waiting hopefully to hear my phone ringing and Ryder's voice at the other end. I stared at the blank screen for a few seconds. No ring.

It was time to go back out. This time I took everything with me. Whether or not he was finished with the police I needed to return to my classes. On my way out of the Nurse's office, a flood of students enveloped the door almost pushing me back into the room as I tried to get out.

I forced myself through, getting pushed and stepped on as I tried to reach the middle of the corridor where there seemed to be room. But almost as instantly as I reached the middle, I wished I didn't.

I could see Ryder, his head down, hands locked behind his back in that sadly familiar position. He was cuffed and about to be dragged away by the policemen. I could see Aaliyah as she stood by. With a worried expression etched across her face, I could tell that things were going downhill.

My view threatened to be swallowed up by more students as the classrooms emptied into the hallways for lunch and I pushed forward again. This time I didn't stop with just a view, I needed to reach Ryder, to talk to him or Aaliyah or anyone that would tell me why my new best friend was being arrested.

It was a hard battle and I counted the seconds in my head that it would take for the police to be done talking to the Principal and take Ryder away. He still had his gaze down. I doubted that even if I shouted over the noise of the speculating students that he'd hear me but I tried anyway.

My voice came out raspier than I expected. Maybe from the fact that I had my mouth locked shut for the last hour or so without uttering a word to anyone. It wasn't important. What was important was Ryder hearing me. I called out again as I continued to push through the crowd hoping that my voice would do something more when I felt the firm grasp of a hand around my upper right arm.

I turned quickly, looking to find who it was that had stopped my advances when my eyes met Marissa's.

She yanked me off to the side, digging her nails into my arm as I continued to steal glances back at Ryder, his figure becoming smaller as she pulled me away.

Why didn't I fight it off? I couldn't, at the end of the day, there was just too much shock, too much going on for me to even fathom that I could pull away from someone who used to spend time at my house, no matter how horrible she'd become.

When we finally stopped far behind the crowd, Marissa threw my arm down, almost disgusted as if she'd touched something rotten. I glared at her, still partially attempting to find Ryder who was completely blocked by the large gathering of teenagers in the hallway.

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