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"Wait, you're grounded for a week?"


"Dude, that's sucks."

"Not helping, Geoff," the surfer said. "I'm so sorry for what happened at the party, Court. I would've totally taken you home if I wasn't drunk."

"Yeah," the brunette said. "That was kind of the plan."

"I'll tell your mom that it was my fault you were home late!" If Bridgette was already feeling this bad, Courtney didn't see the point in telling her about what happened on her way home.

"It's fine. Don't blame yourself. Besides, how would you explain that to her? Remember, she thought it was a party without alcohol?"

"Yeah, you're right..." she frowned. "What did you tell her?"

"I told her that the time just got away from me."

"Oh no..." she cringed. "Now she'll never let you out of her sights again!"

"Bridge, babe, don't be so dramatic. I'm sure her mom will let her out when she's ungrounded," Geoff assured.

"She will," Courtney answered. "Just probably not to a party again. But that's perfectly fine. I don't like parties anyways."

"Even after one of mine?" Asked Geoff.

"Yes," she nodded, rolling her eyes. "Even after one of yours."

He gasped. "I'm so offended. How can Mocha not like parties?!"

"I already told you guys that they weren't my thing."

"But that was before you've even been to one."

"And now I've been to one. They're terrible. Nothing productive ever happens."

"Uh...that's the point!"

"Guys, check it out," Duncan sat next to Courtney. "I stole Harold's cheeseburger. Anyone want one?"

"Seriously?" Courtney glared. "That is so mean and immature!"

"Uh...no thanks," Bridgette cringed.

"Princess," The delinquent smirked, holding the burger up to her face. "I know you want a bite."

"Ew! No! Who knows what's in there?!" She turned away.

"Exactly," he laughed. "Ahh...this is too good. I've gotta give this to someone who deserves it."

"The only person I can think of is Heather," Bridgette said.

"She won't eat it," Courtney stated. "She doesn't like calories."

"It's pretty obvious," Geoff snickered. "She has nothing there."

"Got that right," Duncan smirked.

"Since when have you stopped gawking over her?" Asked the surfer.

"Since I had to spend a whole ten minutes with her at Geoff's party. Remember when we played sharks and minnows? Well, we were both the last two minnows and it took forever for one of us to get caught. She was literally trying to cut me off the whole time and I think she almost knocked my teeth out at some point too."

"Oh yeah!" Geoff laughed. "Man, that was a wild game."

"Yeah, and I still think Heather hates me for winning. She literally gave me a death glare this morning."

"Told you she was terrifying."

"And evil."


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