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A/n- I have FINALLY updated my "Total Drama SnapChats" book! :)



Duncan knew what he had to do. No matter what the cost. He took a deep breath. Here goes nothing.

He opened the door to the principal's office. The lady at the front desk glanced up at him from her papers. He could've sworn that she groaned.

"Hello Duncan. Let me guess, you back talked a teacher again? Skipped too much class? Didn't do your homework?"

"Actually, no," he replied smugly. "I'm just here to have a little chat with Principal McLean."

"Hmm. Very well then. He'll be with you in just a moment."

"Thank you." Duncan smiled. He went to sit down in one of the chairs. This has to work.

A couple minutes later, Principal McLean called Duncan back.

"What do you want, Nelson?" He asked, looking quite exhausted.

"I'm here to talk to you about Courtney's suspension."


"Uh...Courtney. Courtney Barlow?"

"Still not ringing any bells."

Duncan rolled his eyes. "The girl who came in here with me and got her first detention."

"Oh yeah!" He raised both his eyebrows in realization. "What about her again?"

"Well I was wondering if you could let her come back to school tomorrow."

"Um..." he laughed. "Well, ya see...she was suspended for a reason..."

"Yeah, but I don't think it was fair. Do you even remember the reason?"

"No, not really."

"Ok, apparently Harold told you that it was her who was drinking on school property, but-"

"She was drinking on school property?!"

"Yes! Geez, how old are you, 50?"

"I'm 37!" He snapped. "And drinking on school property is a big no no! How long did I suspend her for?"

"She's gone until January."

"I should have suspended her for much longer than that! Why didn't I?"

"Now that I don't have the answer to," Duncan said. "I'm just here to tell you that I was the one drinking. Not Courtney."

He squinted suspiciously. "Where's your proof?"

"I don't have any, but I can tell you that I brought beers in my backpack to school that day. Did Harold even give you any proof?"

"Well, since I can't remember that day, I don't know."

The punk mentally face palmed. "Why can't you just believe me? I always do stupid shit at school-"

"Hey! Language!"

"Exactly! I just can't stop breaking the rules! And what has Courtney done? She got one detention. Wow, big deal. She drank a few bottles of beer. So what? I was the one who brought them so I should be in trouble. Not her." He stopped to take a breath. "Please just let her come back. School really means a lot to her. Isn't she normally a straight A student?"

"I don't know," he shrugged. "I don't pay attention to the grades."

"What the hell? You're the damn principal!"

You're My Daydream (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now