The genesis

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Light b*tch's P.O.V

Whassup. It's me! The mysterious character which you're trying to connect to a character Amber already made up.

I will be telling the story of Yafa since the erm...Higher up demanded me to.

If you don't know who Yafa is, then I'll give you a little reminder: They're the turtle that John found and which Y/N took care of up until she got taken to Britain. We don't know if they're a boy or a girl. Their name can mean 2 separate things: 'You Are F*cking Adorable' or 'You're A F*cking A$$hole'. Okay!

It's the year 177-something.

Y/N was about to get the shock of her life and was about to get kidnapped and brought to Britain where she would meet King George. Remember?

"To the forest, we go," I said as I grabbed Yafa and headed out. I wanted to go to the forest because I wanted to walk around and not bother anyone. It's kinda my place when I want to think or talk to Yafa without being looked at. Or just theorize about why I was here...

"So who do you like more?" I said for Yafa. "Huh?" I said with a frown. "From the guys. Who do you like more?" I asked in that high voice. Even though I asked the question, a blush crept on my face. "I think I like-" I said before being hit on the head. I dropped Yafa, fell on the floor and everything went black.

So Y/N was knocked out and brought to Britain for her fate. As you can maybe remember, John found Yafa on the ground.

"Guys?" John called as we all raced towards him. "Did you find anything?" Hercules asked. "No, I found someone." He said as he showed us Yafa. "The turtle?" Alexander asked as he looked at Yafa. "Y/N always has 'em in her pocket, she wouldn't just drop 'em," John chocked as we gave each other concerned looks.

Everyone on the same level now? Okay, moving on!

John held onto Yafa for the time that Y/N spent in Britain. Yafa seemed to be a placeholder for Y/N. John brought them everywhere he went. To the bar, to the training, to the battlefield. Everywhere. Alexander seemed to notice this.

"Why are you holding onto the little guy?" He asked one day as they sat down at the table for dried bread and water they were forced to call meals. John glanced at the turtle and sighed. Whilst keeping Yafa close to his heart he sighed. "I miss her," He admitted which made Alexander turn his head away.

The rest of the meal seemed to be a waste of space as neither of them ate anything.

One day, John went for a walk in the forest to calm his mind and thoughts. He was trying to isolate himself from everyone and everything around this period of his life. He needed therapy. Self-therapy. And his therapy was the same as Y/N, talking out loud to the turtle. "I love both of them," He admitted as he walked through the high grass. "But they seem to be falling for each other," He huffed with a frown. He put his hand in his frizzy and curly brown hair.

"My male crush and my female crush falling for each other," He continued with a sigh. "How ironic is that," He mumbled with a slight hiss.

"And the thing is," He huffed as he walked through the mud, holding Yafa in his left hand. "I love both of them too much to try and actually have a relationship with one of them," He blushed and looked at Yafa. Yafa was indifferent but seemed to listen to John. Something nobody has really done before.

"I'd just break their hearts," He sighed as he slowly closed his eyes. "I think I would rather have mine broken," He chocked and looked to the side. John raised his shoulders in frustration and let out a loud groan. "Why is life so difficult?!" He scoffed and plopped down on the ground, making the grass separate so he could sit.

"I never asked for this!" He argued against Yafa as Yafa stared back at him. "All my life has been about pain, pain, pain. Emotional or physical," He barked, clenching his right hand into the dirt. " 'Go to the war!' they said, 'It'll be fun!' they said. 'Maybe you'll get over your sexuality!' they said," John scowled making Yafa slowly retreat into his shell.

"Well," He scoffed with a chuckle. "Look where it got me!" He shouted out as he looked back at Yafa who had retreated back into their shell. John frowned and looked to the side. "If only they didn't like each other, you know?" He admitted with a sigh.

"If only I had been faster or if I could swoon one of them faster," He stated with a choke. "Not that I'm good enough," He sighed and side-glanced at Yafa, who was slowly getting out of his shell. "But, you know," John shrugged.

"Why does life hate me, Yafa?" John straight up (well he's not straight but like...You know) asked.

Yafa remained silent.

This made John actually go crazy. His head fell down into his knees as he hugged them tightly, dropping Yafa into the soft grass. He slowly but surely began to feel a release of tears onto his knees. His hair stuck to his forehead as his face became damp.

When John looked back up, Yafa (as a green turtle) was nowhere to be seen. "Yafa?" John called out in a panic.

Little did he know that Yafa had a brilliant plan to swim across the seas to save Y/N from the claws of King George III.

But turtles are slow so...Ya know, it was gonna take a while.




Okay, that's a while, moving on.

After a month of Yafa traveling by boat, that they had found while roaming around, to Britain, they reached the harbor. There, they spent at least a few weeks getting to the palace...Doors. You know, a turtle doesn't have the arms or even thumbs to open a door so they just stood there...Until...Someone opened the door!

And when someone did, they went godspeed modus and went as fast as they could before they were catapulted forward by the closing door.

Long story short, Y/N was already saved by Hercules when Yafa arrived at the execution...5 weeks later. But they didn't know that! Give them some respect! This is a turtle we're talking about!

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