The Tem Shop

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The room that they had provided for me was a bit small which didn't surprise me because the house itself wasn't that big. I had thanked Leith before I run up the stairs. "Second door to the left!" She had yelled behind me.

I let myself fall down on the bed and sunk almost immediately into the covers. Heaven was an understatement, to say the least. The creaking of the door made me jump, but not enough to get me to move from my comfy position. Look, I have nothing against humans, but they were so good at disturbing me.

"Yafa?" a soft voice called. I grunted: "Yes?" The person who stood at the door began to move. Not even seven seconds later someone dropped themselves beside me on the bed. "Grandma asked if you want to buy some clothes or something. She said that you arrived without your stuff." Said Akia. 

"Clothes shopping?" I asked as I raised my hands above my head again. "Yes, I can go with you. Grandma can't really go places on foot, you know." I groaned. "Look, I know that we have just met each other but if you want to live here you at least need to own more clothes than what you're wearing," I slowly let my hands down and looked to the side... but I literally didn't see anything because the covers were covering my eyes.

"What's wrong with my outfit?" I asked a bit hurt. "N-Nothing!" She yelped as she shot upright. "But you need more clothes!" She now looked at me. "300 years ago they wore the same clothes every day..." I began. "But now we're in 20XX and everyone is wearing something different every day," She said a bit confused. 

I looked at her and sighed. "Fine," She came a bit closer. "What did you say?" She asked with her ear facing me. "I said fine," I answered a bit louder. When she backed off with a smile. "Let's-a-go!"

She pulled me off the bed and lead me toward the hall. We put on our shoes, although she was a bit faster and more in a hurry than me. "We're going to the store!" Akia yelled as she rose up. She grabbed her keys and a black thin brick from the cabinet and ran outside. "Is it far?" I asked as we walked around the exterior of the house. "It's not too far away with the bike," She answered. 

"A bike?"

"A bike!"

"A what?" I asked. " A bike," She repeated. I gave her a puzzled look. "Don't tell me you don't know what a bike is," She asked and cocked her eyebrow. "Well erm... Not really. When was a bike invented?" I asked hesitantly. "I really don't know... hold on for a sec,"

She grabbed that small black brick from her pocket and pressed a button. It illuminated and she began to tap her finger on it. I came to stand next to her and looked at it. "Okay, so, according to this website they were invented in 1817." She told me. "Website?" I asked her. "Do you live under a rock or something?" She asked in shock. "Well, actually... I did technically live under a rock, yes." I explained. "Oh... my bad, sorry. I'll explain it later," She finally said.

She pulled her 'bike' from the shed behind their house. "Isn't there one for me?" I asked. She looked sorry. "Well, I'm the only one who bikes really, so we only have one bike... and a minute ago you didn't even know what a bike was. So... you'll have to get on from the back, mate," 

I awkwardly got on with a lot of struggling and she began to bike as I tightly held her from the back. When we were biking, I noticed that the house was detached from all the other houses. I had to ask about that later. The landscape whizzed along side us and soon we passed more and more houses. Finally, we arrived at a square where Akia stopped. "We're here!" She yelled elatedly.

I slowly slid off the bike and looked at how she locked her bike. "Which store do you want to go to?" She asked as she cupped her hands and blew to heat her hands a bit. I looked at her with a look that yelled: 'I-don't-know-any-stores' and she laughed. "Let's go to the Tem Shop!"

-One hour later-

I followed her with a pile of clothes in my arms. "Ooh! This sweater would really suit you!" She said as she grabbed a black sweater. "Yeh, sure," I wasn't even paying any attention as she threw it on the pile. "I think we have enough for now," She decided. "God, YES, can we go back home now?" I asked excited. "WHAT?! No! You have to try all of them on first," 


She pushed me inside a changing room and yelled with a smile: "Come outside with every outfit!" Before she closed the curtain. I sighed and turned around. I looked at myself in the giant mirror. This was the first time I actually saw how I looked. My eyes looked tired and my green hair was a mess. ... Wait, green?!

I touched my hair. Okay, I didn't expect it to be green. But what can I say? I was a green turtle so maybe that has something to do with it?

Every time I went outside the changing room, Akia began to clap excitedly and praise me by saying things like: "Magnificent!" "Handsome!" "What a dapper look!" or "Hottie!!!" Every time I passed her to back inside the changing room, I looked past her to the man behind the counter. Every time I went back outside, I saw more and more pity in his eyes. I didn't feel good, but Akia seemed to be so happy that it made me happy.

When we finally went outside, I had at least ten bags hang from my arms. Oh, and by the way, Akia was carrying four more because I didn't want to carry everything by myself.  She was telling a story about her friends but I wasn't really paying attention. "-And then Robin sai-" Suddenly she stopped walking which made me run into her.

"You know, you could've warned me," I said as I looked up. She was perplexed and when I looked in the same direction she was looking, I still didn't have a clue about what was happening. "What's up, Akia?" I softly asked. "T-That's my ex," She whispered almost inaudibly. I looked back in that direction and saw, not gonna lie, a properly handsome dude with a girl walking right in our direction.

"Ikea!" The guy grinned. Akia grumbled. "If you dare to call me that again I will scrape your eyes out of their socket." She threatened. "Woah, girl! Chill. I just wanted to say 'hi' to you and your friend over there," He calmly said. The girl next to him giggled. "Yes, Akia. Chill," She cackled. I looked from her back to Akia and saw her furious expression.

"Who are you guys?" I asked both of them. Akia shot me a nasty glare which I happily ignored. "Who are you?" The guy asked back. "That wasn't an answer to my question," I calmly said. "Jorich and this is my girlfriend Talia. Now you, a$$," He said with great irritation. "There's no reason to be so rude towards me nor her, dude," I said as I slowly lowered the bags to the ground. "Why the f*ck do you care?" He grumbled as he angrily stepped closer to me.

I gave Akia a gentle smile before I punched Jorich right inbetween his eyes. He stumbled back and Talia scurried to him. "Baby, are you alright?!" She asked with an irritated voice. He grunted in pain. I had no idea that I could punch that hard but one thing was evident: I'm pretty sure I broke his nose. 

"Yafa," I calmly said before I picked up the bags and I put my hand on Akia's back. "That's my name. Now, if you'll excuse us, we urgently need to be elsewhere," I turned Akia around and pushed her toward her bike. I looked over my shoulder one last time and saw that he angrily stood up with both hands balled up and his nose in shambles. 

We laughed as we ran toward the bike and skedaddled out of there as quick as we could. We kept on laughing until we arrived back home. "I have to say, that was one hell of a punch. I didn't expect that from you. I mean, did you see his face?!" She laughed. "He really deserved it though," I argued. "Indeed,"

She gave me one last giggle before we went inside and were welcomed by the delicious smell of dinner. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2019 ⏰

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