72. The house of Vulpent

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Ada's mouth fell open. If she had thought Lark to look like a summer prince, then Raeph was a creature not of nobility, but divinity. He had emerged from the depths of winter, freshest snow overlain with darkest night. His eyes were wide, shifting to the floor when they met with Ada's, and his lips were moving.

"Please." Barely a breath.

He offered to her an upturned hand, long shirt sleeve and unbuttoned cuff tumbling past his wrist. He was the picture of effortless elegance, far taller than Ada, but with his head bent down as if in supplication.

"Ok," Ada breathed back, feeling at once as if she had said pathetically little, yet agreed to far too much.

Still, she reached out and placed her hand in his, no longer shaking as their fingers entwined. He led her into the ballroom like a sleepwalker; escaped from a nightmare, though far from a dream. Fae on every side of them were staring, some with unconcealed shock as Raeph brought Ada to his chest.

"I'm not supposed to be noticed," Ada whispered, letting Raeph gently set her hand on his shoulder, whilst his own drifted down to her waist. His other hand remained within hers, clasped ever tighter as another fear came over Ada. "And I don't know how to dance."

"It's not the dancing that holds my interest," Raeph said. "Nor anyone else's, I expect."

His eyes broke from Ada momentarily to glance at the closest couples. The fae shrunk away immediately, just as they had done for Diane and the General. It didn't help to keep attention from them, but at least Ada felt she could speak without the worry of being overheard.

"This was a bad idea," she said, not quite able to remove herself from his arms.

"Yes," agreed Raeph, holding her closer even as he grimaced. "You shouldn't have come here. Everyone in this room would kill you in a second if they knew what you were. Though they would doubtless have a little fun with you first."

"I can handle myself," Ada replied sharply.

Raeph's hold softened. "I know."

"If you came here to force me to leave, I can save you the trouble and let you know that you can't," Ada continued, more warily now.

Raeph gave a bitter laugh. "I didn't come to force you into anything, and I regret that that is the impression I have given you."

"Then why come?" Ada asked, watching unruly lengths of hair tumble into Raeph's eyes as he shook his head.

"You'll think me mad," Raeph said, almost to himself.

"Perhaps I do already," Ada said,  losing her breath when Raeph's head fell forward, his nose brushing the tip of her ear.

He smiled against her cheek, teeth grazing her jaw as she suppressed a shiver.

"I came," he whispered, "because I wanted to dance with you. Because I knew that people would stare and slander, but the chance to hold you was too tempting."

He was looking down at her again, and all she could see were the dark depths of his eyes. His breath fanned across her face, and Ada could smell the tart tang of mulberry wine. But he stared as if she was the one to intoxicate him, all his thoughts scattering as they simply swayed together.

"I have no restraint when it comes to you, Ada."

"Raeph..." Ada watched his pupils blow large as she said his name, black and boundless.

"I was afraid that you would come," he admitted, both hands now wrapping an easy circle around her waist. "I've been wondering if I shouldn't have told you about tonight. If it was my senseless lack of restraint that would place you in danger."

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