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Yoongi stumbled through the crowd of people. "Jimin," his voice was merely a whisper, he was choking on his own words, unable to speak more than a word at a time. He felt a hand on his shoulder and he whipped around. It was that girl.

"Let me help you find your friends," Yoora said. "Are you okay? can you tell me what they look like?"

Yoongi shook his head. "I'm-- I," He breathed in hard through his nose and exhaled through his mouth. He kept his hand over his chest, it felt like he was about to die. His chest heaved with an immense pain as he sucked in another breath. "Anxiety attack," he spit out.

"Do you need water?" She asked. "Do you need to sit down?"

Yoongi shook his head. He felt the pain in his chest begin to subside, but his breathing was still unsteady. "J-Jimin, I need Jimin."

"Okay, I'll try to help you," She kept her hand on Yoongi's back as they moved through the crowd. Yoora stayed a little further in front so she could try to make a path for Yoongi. He caught sight of Namjoon hanging out by Hoseok and Jin on a couch.

"Th-There, my friends," Yoongi pointed to them and Yoora led him over to them.

"Hey, what's going on, where's Jimin?" Namjoon looked at Yoongi with a concerned look.

"He's having an anxiety attack," She told them. "The boy you were with that's Jimin right?" She asked. Yoongi gave her a nod. "He can't find him, he left with another boy just before I came to talk with Yoongi."

"Oh, thank you for bringing him here," Namjoon took hold of Yoongi's arms and helped him down onto the couch. "What's your name?"

"Yoora," She replied.

"Thank you Yoora," Namjoon looked back over at Yoongi, gently rubbing his back. "It's alright Yoongi, just breathe. There's no reason to panic, you're gonna be alright. who did Jimin go with?"

Yoongi took a deep breath before speaking. "He went with Taehyung. He said they needed to talk really quick but they weren't really quick," Yoongi stared down at his hands. "I panicked for no reason. I came inside and I couldn't find him, that just made it worse."

"Okay, Just calm down," Namjoon put his arm around Yoongi to comfort him. "Could you two go look for Jimin please?" he asked Jin and Hoseok.

"Yeah of course, if we find him we'll text you," Hoseok said. The two left Yoongi and Namjoon alone.

Yoongi's mind was in such a slur. Everything sounded like it was underwater, he couldn't think straight. The only thing he could hear was Namjoon's calming words. "Do you need to go out to the car? I can take you out there," Namjoon offered. "We can sit out there and you can sleep until we find Jimin?"

Yoongi nodded. "Yes please," Namjoon helped Yoongi up from the couch and wormed their way through all the people. Namjoon took Yoongi to his car and let him into the back so he could lay down. "I'll stay here with you alright buddy?"

"Thank you," He mumbled.

"No problem. I'll wake you when Jin or Hobi texts me," Namjoon sat in the front seat to give Yoongi as much space as possible. "Tell me if you get cold, I'll turn on the heat for a little bit."

»»————- ★ ————-««

"Hey," Namjoon put his hand on Yoongi's shoulder. "Could you come inside for a sec, we found Jimin," Yoongi shot up from the seat of Namjoon's car.

"Is he okay?" Yoongi asked, worry lacing his tone.

"Yeah...he's with somebody," Namjoon paused. "Just come with me."

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