Chapter 22

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Even though they had stayed pretty late the night before the girls had woken up by someone ruffling the bed they were currently on. Dinah groaned not expecting to be waking up before 12 pm on a Saturday, she opened her eyes slowly watching Ally trying to maneuver between her and Normani.

"Why are you awake? And what time is it?" Her voice horse from waking up.

"Oh sorry DJ, I was trying not to wake either of you. I really need to go to the bathroom." The small brunette said, looking guilty.

"Well you fail massively because now I'm also awake," Normani said reaching for her phone. "Ally 6:30 is by far too early to be up, go back to sleep."

"After I go to the bathroom then sure darling." The girl said not bothering in being careful now that the two others had woken up. Dinah closed her eyes but the thought of Lauren and Camila crossed her mind for a second. She shook Normani softly.


"Dinah, honey... I love you but I need to sleep." The girl responded without opening her eyes.

"Hey I have a theory I want to prove, it might be slightly less crazy if I see it with my own eyes."

"If you need to phrase it like that then it probably is too crazy." Normani answered making the Polynesian girl roll her eyes.

"Look towards Camila." Dinah said. Knowing how stubborn her girlfriend could be Normani did as she was told, suprised to see Camila koala hugging Lauren and the older girl holding her.

"Well that is certainly something I didn't expect."

"I think they like each other."

"Of course you do." Normani said condescendingly, sometimes Dinah's imagination was a little too much, going as far as she could. However, she couldn't deny the small signs that both girls showed.

"Come on, let's go back to sleep or we'll be both grumpy. It's still to early in the morning, Ally we are going back to sleep are you joining?" Normani didn't wait for either girl to answer, she felt the bed dip and let herself drown into slumber.


Lauren was never able to sleep past 7 am, so when the clock turned she woke up like a robot. Accustomed to this thanks to her parents and the fact that she had to make sure both her siblings woke up and went to school when they weren't there, it wasn't something she could control anymore.

Lauren looked down and found Camila hugging her like her life depend on not letting her go, she tried her best not to wake up the girl going as far as to replace her body with some pillows. Already familiar with the kitchen Lauren went down starting to cook breakfast for everyone.

The girls wouldn't be up in a while or so the raven-haired girl hoped, she was going for big breakfast which in sight required time. Starting to make pancake mix and scrambled eggs, unaware of the passage of time until she felt someone hug her from behind.

"Morning Laur..." She heard a sleepy Camila mumble from behind her. She had learned that sleepy Camila was way more cuddly than normal Camila, not that she minded. "Good morning Camz, how was your sleep?"

"Apparently much better than yours since I slept after 8." Camila said walking to the kitchen counter and sitting down. "My mother would be so embarrassed by me right now, it's the second time in less than a day that you are cooking for me in my own house."

"I don't mind, you know for a fact that I quite enjoy the kitchen."

"I'm aware and very thankful because you could be very well considered a chef." The comment made Lauren laugh, it was nice to know her food was appreciated.

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