Chapter 32

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"That was delightful Camila, while not the most complex work you've written it has your marking all over it which is good. I can feel you wrote it after a lot of thought."

"Thanks Ms. Perez."

"You get an A for the presentation, I'll check the recording later and the essay it self just like the rest and we'll have hopefully the full marks for everyone by next week or the week after that. Now Miss Jauregui you are the last one, please go on."

Lauren nodded and walked to the front leaving her essay in the podium they had at the front. "I don't want to read the essay itself, but I can if you think after that the presentation is a little too short."

"Very well Lauren." The teacher nodded. "The floor is yours."

"One of the hardest thing to do in life is try, I'm not talking about trying once and the failing. No I'm talking about constantly doing it, and not just in one aspect in life but in life as a whole. There is nothing more difficult as the simple act of trying to live life."

A pause, a deep breath. "I have tried over and over again to dedicate my life to trying, I've tried to help others, I've tried to learn as much as I can, I've tried to love my family, I've tried to give back because I'm aware of how much fortunate than others I am. Still I have yet to know someone that tries as hard to know other people, know their quirks and know their souls.

Camila has done something that most can't ever say they have tried, that is knowing me. Not just Lauren Jauregui, because I'm aware of the rumors that surround my name I just choose to ignore them. She wasn't afraid, even though her friends told her to avoid me. She was curious and she didn't let others stop her from trying.

Even now people look at her kind of funny for trying, and I know it's not the easy thing to do. In fact I'm sure it would be easier to give up and let me be, like everyone does. But she didn't want the easy route, she wanted to try. I'm glad she did, I'm glad that she has tried; because I believe that even even if she had failed she would know that at least she tried."

"I like it Miss Jauregui, but I must say it is quite different from your essay." Ms. Perez said looking down at the paper, Lauren had showed her a bit before and it was in fact rather different than the oral presentation. "Would you mind reading the essay? I know you said you'd do it if I ask but I'm giving you the chance to not to."

"I don't mind, besides I think it's just fair since Camila hasn't actually read it at all." Lauren said making the class chuckle.

"Great, then the floor is still yours Lauren."

Camila Cabello is great, but we all know that. She is kind and funny and thoughtful and respectful. She is the kind of person that will smile to everyone and say hi to you even if she doesn't know you. The kind of person that will help her friends and strangers just the same, the kind of person that will always be there to lend a hand.

Camila Cabello is great, but she doesn't believe it. She doesn't believe she is special, she believes she is just like everyone else. To some extent she is correct, but that is only on the basis of we as humans are all equal in rights and responsibilities; other than that she is very impressive.

Camila Cabello is great, but she doesn't show off that. She plays guitar and other instruments and composes her own songs, yet she thinks she isn't that talented. She sings in chorus because she doesn't believe she has that great of a voice even when the director has asked her to do several solos only for her to refuse because she gets anxious when the spotlight is on her, because she doesn't believe she is great.

Camila Cabello is great, she doesn't judge like many would and is always willing to give second chances. Much to my own dismay because it is quite possible to give someone too many chances, but I believe Camila would disagree with me in that regard.

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