Chapter 11

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Camila truly loved Dinah, however the girl was a mess when it came to chemestry. Being her usual goofy self she had caused a couple of accidents already and the teacher had given up on her taking any part on the experiments.

"You know I can help you with that, right Walz?" Dinah said already bored of not doing anything for the past thirty minutes.

"And I am really gratefull for your will but I must say I'm not taking any chances specially after Mr. Couningham told me if you messed up I would be taking part of the blame." Camila responded making Dinah huff annoyed.

"You should have more faith in me Walz..."

"Ask Mr. Couningham and if he says yes then by all means help, I'm going to the bathroom if you don't ask don't touch anything." Camila said standing up from her sit and walking to the door. There was a bathroom at the end of the hall so she wouldn't be long gone and Dinah would hopefully wait her.

Dinah in the other hand was already extremely bored, as in very much so and wanted nothing but to help. Sure she had some minor accidents throughout the years but nothing that ended beyond a nurse visit. And that was only one time.

Growing impatient at the waiting and seeing the teacher busy helping other students, Dinah took the chance and checked the different tubes they had on the table. Most of them were transparent and had a label which she didn't bother reading, that would've been too much work.

There were however, two tubes that had color one red and the other green. Thinking they could make a sick reaction she took them both and mixed them on the beaker Camila had been using. She should have asked the teacher, as he watched her mix the reactives his eyes widened in fear.

A strong smoke started to come out of the beaker quickly engulfing the room.

"Everybody out!" Mr. Couningham yelled. The students didn't try to question him as they ran to the door. Surprising everyone Mr. Corringham ran to the nearest fire alarm. There hadn't been an explosion and as if he asked for it, as he pulled it down a loud boom sounded from the lab.

" One line and use the stairs!" He shouted once more. Which the students tried their best to follow. They rushed through the halls followed now by the rest of the people inside. when they reached the parking lot they turned around to find the lab's window engulfed in smoke.

Dinah stoped for a moment watching as a fire truck advanced quickly over the grass trying to get better access to the fire.


Camila wasn't in the best position when the fire alarm was activated. It could be a drill... No, those are announced before they happen. Shit, I have to get out.

She rushed out of the stall and didn't bother washing her hands, if there was a emergency then that could wait. However, when she reached for the bathroom door it didn't open. Camila tried forcing it a couple of times to no avail.

As if she couldn't get more unlucky, smoke started to enter through the closed door. This is definitely not a drill. Trying not to panick, she pounded on the door as hard as she could.

"Help! I'm stuck!"

Looking around her she spotted a small window. I could fit through that, wait, I'm on a third floor. There was no way she could survive a fall from that high. Thinking about what she could do, there wasn't much.

She used her lab coat to block the smoke from coming inside and opened the window. Shouting periodically hoping that someone would listen.


"Hey Dinah, right?" The Polynesian girl heard someone say. She turned around and answered bitterly. " What do you want Jauregui?"

Not paying attention to the hostile tone of the girl Lauren asked calmly. " Have you seen Camila? I didn't watch her come out."

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