19\ Daydreams Don't Change Reality

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I paced back and forth in my room, contemplating what to do. A thousand different thoughts skipped around my head, each vying for attention. Each trying to provide an answer.

Should I go? Come December 22nd, should I go to the meeting place where Spider-Man would meet Ravenyx?

The Fates—those stupid old ladies—had decided I would see that message. Now it was my choice whether or not to go. I stopped pacing, and stared out my window. It had a bland view of another apartment building.

Logic said no. Logic reminded me I didn't have my powers, and that I hadn't been in combat for months. I was out of practice. Throwing me into a dangerous situation was like throwing The Rock into a movie and expecting him to make an outstanding performance. Oh.

I still was physically fit. Working out was part of my daily morning routine. And just because I couldn't use water, didn't mean I was weaponless. I touched my collarbone, where my necklace rested. It was a gift from my father. The only gift he had ever given me. But I wore it for a lot more than just sentiment.

Grasping the pendant—a sparkling sapphire—I ripped it off the chain. In my hands, the small jewel morphed into a long double-edged sword. The blade, made of celestial bronze, glimmered in the sunlight coming through my window. It was balanced and fit smoothly in my left hand.

Stepping back so I didn't slice my curtains, I swung the blade in an overhead arc. It cut through the air, making me giddy. The last time I used my sword, I didn't have this band on my wrist and water was still mine to command. There was no use for a sword when you didn't have mythological monsters plaguing you.

I touched the hilt of the sword to my necklace, and it shrunk and reattached as a pendant. My hands felt empty without it. Back to the topic on hand.

Should I go? I sat down on my bed, grasping the covers in a fist. Dangerous or not, I wanted to go. I wanted to know who this Ravenyx was, why they were leaving people unconscious throughout the city, and what they wanted with Spider-Man. (And maybe a little part of me wanted to meet Spider-Man again.)

Danny would say not to go. She'd say that I'd only get myself hurt. I'd gotten rid of my powers to avoid things like this. And what was I doing? Running straight back to trouble.

But, there was another option. I released my covers and smoothed over the wrinkles. I didn't have to get involved. I would just watch. Figure out who this Ravenyx is, and what they want. That's all. I wouldn't actually confront them.

But just in case... I ripped off my pendant, my sword appearing again in all of its shining glory. A bit of training wouldn't hurt.

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December arrived, without much attention from me. Most students were pleading for Christmas vacation, while others were complaining that we only had one true day of break before Christmas Eve. I didn't care so much about when the school break started. I was more bothered by the snow.

The cafeteria got more crowded at lunch times, as more students didn't want to brave the cold or the increase in traffic. And because it was so busy and full, it took me a good ten minutes to find someone Tuesday at lunch.

"Watch where you're going," a girl with bleached blond hair growled after I bumped into her. I rolled my eyes and kept walking, scanning all the tables. He was nowhere to be seen. I didn't think it would be this hard to find one guy.

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