35\ Crime Watching Not Face-Watching

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Today was the day. Today was the cafeteria sold taco in a bag, the day Danny worked her shift entirely in the morning, the day that we had a test in Physics. It was Monday. And more importantly, the day I got to go out on a crime watch with Spider-Man.

But today, apparently, was also the day Neha had decided to bombard me with all of her demigod questions.

"Can we die?" Neha fired of her most recent question and she hurried after me in the school hallways. "I know you said Greek Gods don't die, but does that translate to us? Because I don't want to be immortal."

I sighed, running an agitated hand through my blonde hair. The thought of other students hearing her questions crossed my mind—but I dismissed it. No one cared here. I swear one girl even murmured "same" to Neha's last statement.

"Yes, we can die," I said. My backpack was slung over one of my shoulders, and a senior bumped into it as they passed me. I stumbled, and Neha set a hand on my shoulder to steady me. I shook it off. "Anything else?"

I shouldn't have asked. Of course she had more questions.

"Why can I read Ancient Greek?" she asked, and then while we were on the stairs: "How did you choose your weapon? Does it have to be an ancient weapon? Do any demigods use guns?"

I answered all of her questions, all the while trying to exit the school as fast as possible. My patience was ticking down. Why couldn't she have just texted Danny the questions? I had places to be.

In the front entrance Skylar waved goodbye to me. I returned the gesture, but my brow creased when I saw who she was talking to. Since when did Skylar hang out with Devin? I paused my fast walk only when I was pushing open the door, just to see Devin make Skylar laugh. Weird. Devin must've started the conversation, because she's way too shy to talk to anyone first.

I didn't have a long time to ponder this however, because Neha asked me another question. Cold air hit me in the face as I groaned.

Outside the front lawn was surprisingly alive with activity, despite the below-freezing temperature. A bunch of the football team had started a snowball fight, and snow was flying everywhere. I spotted Harley amidst it all. His snowballs were all poorly aimed, and he was covered head to toe in snow.

"Do demigods have powers?" Neha asked. She followed me down the path to the buses, gentle snowflakes falling in her thick dark hair.

I stopped at the end of the pathway. Neha looked expectantly at me for an answer, as I searched for Peter. Nowhere. He better have not forgotten me.

"Yes," I finally answered Neha. I had to remind myself that it wasn't her fault Peter wasn't here yet, and that she was trying to adjust to this whole new life. "I have powers. But most demigods don't, and you're probably a daughter of a minor goddess or something so you won't." I had already explained the mandatory claiming of demigods to her, and Danny assumed that Neha must be a child of an unnoticed god to have avoided monsters for so long.

Neha nodded. "I didn't expect I would. But that would be kinda cool, you know? What are your powers?"

I was saved from explaining by Peter, who appeared out of nowhere to stand beside me. His cheeks were beet red from the cold.

"Hey," he said, gently touching my arm, "ready to go?"

Neha looked back and forth between us. I could see the question in her eyes, and this one had nothing to do with being a demigod.

"Bye Neha," I said, and before she could respond I pulled Peter away.

He glanced back at the Indian girl I had left standing alone on the sidewalk. "You could've finished your conversation."

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