maximum security. The fight that cost a personal life.

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A week later

"Y/n......Y/n..........wake up!"

Snapping his eyes open the young boy found himself in a cage. Blood leaked from the sky as a sickening chuckle went off in the darkness. Suddenly the boy felt something wrap around his waist,legs and arms,suspending the boy in the air he watched as the cage crumbled, the laughter was much louder. Slowly turning his head upwards he saw Carnage towering over him as his claws lead towards the tendrils that were wrapped around him. "What's the matter Y/n, Not happy to see your friend?" Smiling Carnage hover the boy over his mouth and dropped him making the boy scream heading towards the black void as the mouth quickly shut.

Waking up with a jolt of fear Y/n found himself in a white room with a desk,bed,dresser and bathroom with the corners of the room filled with red tendrils. The boy walked around until he heard a door open,walking over towards the desk as he sat down staring at the small bonsai tree, Y/n heard a chair be pushed outward as a window began to show as a metal garage door rolled up showing a middle aged white hair woman. Willow Schnee.  "Hello Y/n." She greeted with a small smile as she looked around the room seeing tendrils crawl everywhere inside. Not one corner wasn't ravaged by a tendril. "I see that you're taking care of the tree I gave you." She spoke insisting on making a conversation with the boy but only got the silent treatment. But someone did speak as the red tendrils formed a head with sharp teeth and white eyes as it smiled at her. "Yes only because I'm letting him keep it" Willow glared at the monster as she spoke menacingly at it. "I was talking to Y/n not you Carnage." The monster retreated into the boy has he held his eyes in pain since that's were Carnage wanted to retreat to.

"I understand you're my therapist Mrs.Schnee. I apologize for not speaking as much." Y/n apologized as he continued to look at the small plant.  He turned towards her as his left eye lacked a pupil showing a blank white eye, red veins exit his eyes as he didnt look all to well. "Carnage isn't making it any better. I just want to go home."

"I understand you want to go home. But you can't until we figure out how to make Carnage leave your body willingly." Willow spoke as she saw the boy look at the tree with a solemn look as he touched the trees branches. "Have you been experiencing anymore nightmares?" She asked as she held a clipboard in her hands along with a pen. She looked at the boy as he nod at her question making her check a box with the word "yes" on the column. "Has Carnage showed any signs of bonding take an example a child making friends." This question was given a soft "no" from the boy making her check off the other box. "Has Carnage ever tried to take over your body entirely?" The boy began to cry remembering Carnage going on a murdering spree when doctors came in with gunman to sedate the boy for a nights rest. "I see. I'll see you tomorrow morning Y/n." Willow walked away from the room unknowing to her a tendril stole the key from her as a smile appeared on the boys face.

Later that night.

A red alarm along with a siren echoed through the facility. Multiple people appeared in front of the room that Y/n was held in ,four talons pierce the door ripping the door completely off,standing in front of the guards as Carnage in all his red and black glory. "Time for maximum Carnage." Rushing at the guards Carnage dodged any oncoming bullets from soldiers, throwing  tendrils at two of them absorbing their auras making him stronger, jumping at one of the weakened guards he impaled the torso of the man and pulled out his heart. The other guard that stood with him watched as the monster crushed it in his hand,turning around the guard made a run for it, but bumped into the monster. Carnage placed his hands on both sides of the guards head and smiled at him, in a quick motion, a snap came as the mans head was facing backwards. Dropping the body Carnage looked towards the hallway licking his teeth as more witness what happened as they slowly began to back up. "No tricks huh? You all felt safe when I was trapped,but now I'm free,now you will all die a quick and painful way. Including that general of yours. Hehehehahahahaha." Carnage smirked and pounced at the men and women with his claws shining in the moons light.

Not what it seems. (Mentally tortured male reader x RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now