Y/ns mission. Meeting the first Project.

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Y/n swung through Vale towards mount Glenn. His mind was racing as he began to remember what happened when he first met Cletus.

Flashback age 13

Y/n swung around Vacuo as he landed next to a tree before morphing into his human form as he walked behind it. Y/n smirked as he saw multiple parents playing with their children. The boy felt a stinging sensation in his heart as he began to remember his family but the symbiote began to "change" his mind and made him remember the person they were searching for.

Y/n swung and landed on a warehouse that Cletus was last seen at. Crawling through the skylight he looked around before suspending himself upside down,lowering himself to the ground. Y/n flipped around as he saw so many mutilated bodies.

"What did you do to these people Cletus?" He whispered to himself seeing a dead white fang member.

"That's racist." Carnage spoke out making Y/n groan.

"Oh I'm sorry there's mixed races here. What do you want me to say?" He argued with Carnage making a chuckle echo through the building along with clapping.

"The prodigal son returns." A insane voice spoke out causing Y/n to quickly turn around as he backed up with his pupils shrinking.

"Cl-Cle-Cletus." He stuttered making the man smirk at him.

"If it isn't my favorite family member." He smiled as if he's talking to his son. "The first ever person I had Carnage bond to freely." He laughed as he stepped closer with the boy stepped back.

"What's wrong Y/n,not happy to see me?" He laughed making Y/n jump to the ceiling as he looked upside down.

"W-What are you doing here?" He asked muttering up what little courage he had.

"Why I live here. Why would I leave my home?" Cletus smiled making Y/n wary of his movements. "But you left. You left left us. But you're here and you will stay here forever." He quickly morphed into Carnage making Y/n jump out of the way quickly but Cletus grabbed his ankle and flung him to the ground before stepping on him.

"Ah!" The boy yelled as blood shot out of his mouth.

"No where to run now Y/n!" He laughed but Y/n shot a red web towards a box and used it to knock Cletus off of him before swinging out of the building.

"No I'm not ready. I can't face him. I have to leave!" Y/n yelled desperately as he swung through the city but was tackled by Cletus as the two landed on a rooftop. Webbing Cletus's face Y/n swung away but his symbiote began to act up as it reached towards Cletus making him fall to the edge of the roof as he grabbed the end of it not wanting to get anywhere near the monster that gave him nightmares. "Carnage what are you doing?!" He yelled in fear.
Koda was seen in team RWBYs dorm scrapping against the door with his claws as he whined gaining the attention of the team.

"What's wrong Koda?" Ruby asked as she walked up to him.

"Maybe he needs to use the restroom?" The blonde sister said opening the door after grabbing his leash but the small ursa cub vanished in a dust cloud silhouette along with a dust trail. "Uh oh."

"Quick we need to go after him." Weiss said as the four girls ran towards the cub.

Outside of Beacon Koda is seen roaring to the city as his heightened hearing picked up Y/n's screams of fear and pain.

Y/n is seen being dragged to Cletus as his nails scraped across the ground with blood coming from his finger tips. "No. Stop it Carnage!"

"Yes come home Y/n!" Cletus yelled out as a sound of a gun shot went off.

Y/n looked up seeing a red eyed Yang as she delivered a right hook at Cletus knocking him back a bit.

"Stay away from my brother!" She yelled as the rest of RWBY appeared with Koda in Blake's arms. Upon seeing Y/n the Ursa cub jumped out of Blake's arms and ran to the boy as he began to hyperventilate. Ruby and Weiss ran to Y/n as Blake joined with Yang as the two attacked Cletus.

"Y/n." Ruby said as she kneeled next to him as he was looking around but noticed Yang and Blake fighting Cletus.

"No!" Getting up quickly Y/n ran between the four girls and used rip and tear to block Cletus's axe hand. But his symbiote kept trying to get back to it's original host forcing Y/n to collapsed as he grasped his head.

Ruby quickly pulled out her scythe as she got ready with Blake. "Ladybug!" She yelled as she and Blake ran towards Carnage.

Cletus began to block their attacks as Ruby and Blake began to attack the man. "You're not my target little kiddies." He said. "But you'll be great examples if Y/n doesn't return to me." He laughed as Y/n looked at him with shock.

"Freezer burn!" Ruby yelled as Weiss and Yang created a smoke screen. Grabbing Y/n,Yang jumped from building to building with Koda being held by Weiss.

"What are you girls doing here?!" He yelled as Yang questioned him.

"We could be asking you the same thing." Jumping from building to building Y/n held his arm as the Carnage symbiote broke his arm and formed a claw as Cletus jumped through the smokescreen. Using it's claw Carnage was able to get out of Yang's grip as it shot a web towards Cletus.

"Ruby cut the web!" Yang yelled as the younger sibling used her scythe with Weiss freezing the arm as she gave Koda to Blake with her grabbing Y/n's left arm and running with him as Cletus followed behind them. Reaching into her pocket Weiss grabbed a ice dust crystal before throwing it into the air. "Yang now!"

Shooting the small crystal another smoke screen erupted blocking Cletus's view as Y/n threw a small portal infront of them as the five of them entered their dorm. Upon landing on the ground Y/n looked behind himself seeing Carnage as it went to jump through the portal reaching for Y/n.

Quickly clapping his hands the portal closed as the boy ran to his backpack and began to pack up.

"I can't be here anymore. I have to leave." He quickly spoke as he began to sweat bullets.

"Y/n." Carnage spoke causing him to suddenly fly back as he was being wrapped in a cocoon. "We're not going anywhere."

"Stop it Carnage!" He yelled as he began to use tear to burn the symbiote. But suddenly he began to hold his neck as the symbiote appeared and seemed to be choking him.

"Y/n!" Weiss said as she fired a decent size ball of fire at the symbiote making it screech in pain before going to attack her but a sudden shock caused the two to wring in pain before collapsing to the ground unconscious. Team RWBY looked at the door seeing Ozpin with the remote to the boy's shock collar.

"Headmaster?!" Ruby exclaimed as the head master sighed in relief.

"Are you four okay?" He asked looking at them before turning his attention to Carnage as it vanished into the boy's body.

"Are we okay? You just electrocuted our brother!" Yang yelled causing the headmaster to sip his coffee.

"If I didn't you would've lost a teammate." He countered making Yang glare at him. "So it seems I was right. Cletus will try to get to Y/n no matter what." He said as he began to type on his scroll.  "I'm sorry girls but you will no longer have Mr.Branwen as a teammate. He will be going back to Atlas for security reasons."

RWY looked at him in shock as Koda whined as he looked towards the unconscious boy.

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