Peter Parker - Rescued

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Requested by TbKase
I didn't 100% go by the request, but I hope you enjoy it anyway.


After a long day of just having fun in the city, walking around stores from which you knew you couldn't afford anything and walking through new alleys, trying to maybe find something new you decided it was time to head home, another sign being the setting sun.

The only unfortunate thing was that you had no idea where you were, there wasn't a single person around, and your phone had just so happened to decide it was a great time to run out of battery.

You were in a part of the city you have never been in, wandering the dark streets on your own. You felt like you were in a horror movie, and just like in one you heard a sound behind you, causing you to turn around fast.

You didn't see anything, causing you to calm down just the slightest, only to feel someone grab you from behind. You shouted for help, soon being silenced by a gag being forced in your mouth. You tried kicking as hard as you could, being to no use since you soon discovered you were outnumbered.

You decided it was no use, holding in tears as your imagination provided all of the horrible things you were about to go through.

"Hey, anyone seen Steve?" One of the guys asked the others, earning confused mutters in return. The group started shrinking, one by one until there were only four left.

"Someone's here!" One of them shouted, pulling out a knife, firmly pressing it to your neck, making you tense hard. Something shot from the shadows, pulling two of the guys to slam into eachother head to head, knocking them out in the process.

The third got pulled up by his legs, hanging down from a fire escape. The third, now nervous grabbed you harsher, speaking up.

"You come any closer, I'll kill him!" He threatened as the figure stepped from the shadow, revealing themselves. "Back off, Spiderman!" He yelled at him, the knife drawing a bit of blood as it grazed your neck, making you breathe faster.

Spiderman put his hands up in surrender, trying to reason. "Please, put the knife down. You don't want to do this."

"You..." He spat, pointing the knife at Spiderman. "I lost everything because of you."

You used the opportunity and headbutted the guy with the back of your head while he was distracted, causing him to grunt and stumble back as you moved out of his reach when he tried to grab you again.

As soon as you were safe, Spiderman shot the web at him a few times until he was sticking to the wall, spitting curse words at you both until the hero knocked him out. 

"Hey, hey...are you okay?" He asked as he rushed to your side, untying the rope around your wrists and pulling out the cloth gag. You coughed hard, shaking from the events that just took place.

You were a wreck, your brave exterior breaking as tears started to run down your face. The hero hesitantly wrapped his arms around you, and you did the same instantly, needing someone to hold onto. It took some time, but after a few minutes of him saying nice things to calm you, you finally did.

You explained that you were lost and couldn't find your way home, and to your luck, Spiderman was able to help.

"Oh! I know where that is!" He said cheerily, making you chuckle. "Hold on. I know a shortcut." He said, motioning for you to grab onto him. You wrapped your hands around him, your face heating up as you did so, and then you were off as you lost ground under your feet.

The wind that hit your face made you hold on tighter as you watched the passing buildings, watching in awe as the lights started to turn on. Before you knew it, you were on solid ground again, holding onto Spiderman for just a bit longer.

"Here we are." He said, and sure enough, this was your house.

"Uhm...I just wanted to say..." You started stumbling over your words, stepping a bit loser. "Thank you..." You said, lifting his mask just enough to kiss his cheek, and you swore you could see the skin flush under the street light.

"O-oh, no. I-it's really not that- It's no problem, really. I was just, you know-" he started stuttering and fidgeting on the spot, and the only thing you could think was 'adorable'.

"I-I better go." You said, waving fast as he took off. "B-bye!"

"Bye..." You mumbled, watching him as he disappeared in the distance. You went back inside, happy to be back in a familiar environment. After you prepared for bed and had already laid down, you couldn't stop thinking about the day you just had.

From an attempted kidnapping to meeting and being saved by Spiderman.

Your face reddened just by thinking about the fact you kissed his cheek, making your stomach fill with butterflies.

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