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oKay LeT uS sTaRt wIth tHe uLtImATe ATEEZ cOmebAcK.

hoLy shi-

HoLy sHiMolY, leT mE reMind YoU tHaT thIs iS a cHiLdfrieNdly BoOk.



Let me just say that thEiR coMebAck wAs LiT 🔥

hAkUnA mAtAta YAAA!

mInGi really dId kiLL tHis LuV.

I put two references on that and if you didn't see them then, I'll gladly go MiCrOwAvE yOuR aNkLeS.

mOvInG oN.

mInGi killed that music video must I say he kills everything.

Even me.


MINGI has the power of looking flawless and if you think I'm wrong cOmE aT me BiSs.

I tHinK aTiNy should really appreciate hOw tHis anGel *clears throat* is liTeRaLLy a shdjqkdkwijaj.

lEts NOT forGeT oUr hApPy VirUs.

San is literally shdjqkwijaj. Can you 凸^-^凸 me?。

I've been ducked already :()))

So that was Nani. I'm lumi. So she liked Wave but Illusion hit me like a bus. Yo that song was lit.

YEOSANG DECIDED TO BE DISRESPECTFUL BY BEING THE CUTEST SMOL BEAN EVER. okay I think I'm gonna do the next chapter instead. But I need a topic. Let's go back to Nani. Actually imma do sf9 for the next one

It's lumi and the last time a wrote on here was a week ago. And now wave is all I sing.

Please leave ur own comments and rants cuz I wanna react to some.

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