My word is indeed smexy

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My word is indeed smexy ^^ (read Disrespectful Kings). I use it quite too much.


Irl moment that is happening rn :)

There is a huge ass thunderstorm right now.

And I found out that I have a huge fear of them now. Like I swear I'm having the first stages of a panic attack.

I'm shaking and my stomach feels like there's something inside that's just using a hammer and hitting the walls of my stomach.

It doesn't feel good.

And the power is out.

There is also this gringo who is my cousins friend here, and he's being annoying asf with a lighter, I feel like he can kill me any second now.

Is that what gringos d-

That's too disrespectful ^ 😂


Now all three males in this room are fighting someone help me.

(An hour and a half later)

Now we're playing hide and seek in the dark.

Not a good idea.

The next day.

I had to stay At their hOuSe. And GueSs whAt happened? MORE GRINGOS CAME!

Three more to be eXaCt.

So there were gRinGoS yelling out and about the house.

Heheheheh time skips

I'm hOmE and aFter tWo dAys of a pOweR ouTage heheeh we're back!

Anyways yeah

By the way I watched my saved edits of Jimin and Yoongi so that I could calm down.

aNd HYUNJAE lets nOt foRget HYUNJAE!!!!

He's a CuTiE


Anyways yeah byyyyyeeee.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2019 ⏰

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