Chapter 16: Journey to the past

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( 47 years ago, Bridgette was born and raised in Paris. Homeschooled, and parentless she was the chosen one. The one and only vitisalaty 'BlackSpots' known for her famous black tight costume with red specks. At night she helped stop crime, during the day she would take care of her ill foster parents while keeping up with modern education. On her 17th birthday, she went to the public library to gather her favorite book when she stumbled upon young Gabriel. They became closest friends, until the two stumbled upon a girl named Emilie. Emilie became friends with Gabriel and Gabriel her. Therefore Gabriel often brought her along when ever Bridgette and Gabriel would hang out. However, Emilie wasn't just a normal girl. In fact Emilie has been studding the dark arts as many would call it.

Unfortually, Bridgette and Gabriel got caught up with her scheme. Bridgette begged Gabriel and Emilie to stop studying the arts but alas they never quit. Even when Bridgette knew what they were doing was wrong, she threaten them to stop or else she'd get the police involved but they just threw back the threat of her being the one and only BlackSpots. From there they parted, Bridgette continued learning about the miraculous while Gabriel and Emilie got married still studying the arts.

Alas nothing stays parted for long...

One day, three years after they drifted apart Gabriel came to Bridgette once more, begging for her to help him save his wife with the help of the miraculous. Being the kind soul that she is, apart from being blackmailed if she didn't, came to his home to an ill Emilie. Gabriel told Bridgette how Emilie over used her power and that the doctors could not be of service. Gabriel begged Bridgette once again to help her with more power but Bridgette refused. Using more power would only harm her condition but Gabriel didn't understand that so he got angry.

The next day he went to her apartment while she was out and managed to grab one of her precious miraculous. -BTW BRIDGETTE's FOSTER 'PARENT' I MASTER FU :D-

Gabriel then immediately called upon the miraculous and learned of its ability's. He managed to save Emilie so they thought. Gabriel had akumatysed Emilie into making her better, but alas the miraculous wasn't supposed to hold out for so long.

Once Bridgette got home a week later with her foster parent they noticed the place thrashed with the missing Moth miraculous. Bridgette almost immediately transformed into BlackSpots and dashed into the Agreste house but found they were not there. Instead of finding them Bridgette was instead searching for the miraculous, looking in the unlikeliness of places such as the cupboard's above the oven, she was very carefully and quickly looking through it when the 'earthquake' hit. Causing Felix to get separated from his family, and how the lighter from the cupboard fell into the oven that exploded, causing the death of Bridgette and many others but...

Not the death of Emilie Agreste.

Yes the explosion knocked Gabriel off his game losing control of the akuma on Emilie. Gabriel only had enough time to grab little Adrien and his wife. For he could not spare another second looking for Felix. It took everything he had to leave without his son, but once he got into a clearing he saw his home in flames.

'Noooooooooooooooooooooo!' He yelled as he let out some of his dark magic onto the house with flames causing the flames to go out only leaving ruins in place. As Gabriel picked up Emilie again along with little Adrien he ran for the hospital. Not seeing the pair of earrings scattered on the counter.

An hour later Master Fu managed to get to the ruins when he saw the earrings. The master cried out in vain knowing that his beloved foster child was dead. The master however, grabbed the earing's and went back home to grief alone once again but not before summoning her spirt to say one last good bye.

And with that, Emilie Agreste was rendered missing after supposing dying in the hospital and Master Fu swearing to himself never to let in another again. However, Gabriel's grief turned to anger towards the miraculous therefore leading into these akuma attacks. Forcing Master Fu to go looking for some brave trustworthy companions. When Master Fu first saw Marinette he almost mistaken her for Bridgette but alas she was dead. But, even though she was dead, she was happy and with her actual parents in paradise.

And if you watch the show/read my book *cough cough* you know what happens next and well at least you now know how Gabriel chanted a spell to make him disappear in chapter 7. Anyway my point is that Gabriel's grief turned to hatred and disiar while Master Fu's turned to trust. Master Fu moved on, and will not let what happened to Bridgette happen to Marinette.

( Flashback to when Master Fu was saying good bye )

As Master Fu set the pair of earring on the floor in the middle of the room he sat right in front of it. After having his eyes closed while focusing his energy to Bridgette's spirt. The earrings soon got replaced by a very peaceful looking girl. She smiled down on Master Fu as he let a tear sly.

"Are you happy my child?" The master asked the girl... She gave a simple nod. The Master then began to apologies on how he wasn't there to save her. Alas the girl reassured him that it wasn't her fault. The girl also started to speak of another girl. This caught the Masters attention. The girl explained how there will be a day she will come back to fight along side the miraculous holders again. She did not know how long the Master had to wait but he was indeed patient. She then asked the Master of one last thing before she went to rest. The Master made sure to listen very carefully to the words she was going to say.

"There will be a day, a day where a villain is misjudged... I know not how, but I wish that when the day comes for you to redirect the boy onto the right path. By then I would be able to return to you by spirt." The master agreed to her task. Although, he didn't know who it was... He had guesses...

As he stood deeper into the alleyway watching everything unfold. He saw his once fellow daughter again waving off to the miraculous couple as she starts to run into the mist of battle once more. At first sight, the Master understood what he had to do at the end of the fight~

( 1,369 words, ok soooooo you might be confused a lot lol im sorry let me try to clear things up. Bridgette, Gabriel used to be BEST friends until Emilie showed up. Gabriel then fell in love with Emilie and dark arts while Bridgette learned to be more like Master Fu. But Emilie got sick and Bridgette was *cough* Blackmailed *cough* to come help but she said she couldn't. Then Bridgette had to leave with Master Fu for a week come back to find one of the miraculous gone so Bridgette went searching for it but ended up dying because of a explosion that was caused by an earthquake that also put Emilie into a coma I the basement of the Agreste new house/mansion as Gabriel started a company to hide what his real objective is.... To get the miraculous to make a wish to heal Emilie. BUT~ Sense Gabriel was so used to doing ~Dark Magic~ He became real evil *Cough* Kidnapping Marinette *Cough* luckily he snapped out of it to let go of his miraculous to only have his crazy of a son to take it and try to GET HIS BROTHERS LIFE oh boi is this fellow messed up like his dad~ anyway soooooo yeah theres my year work for yeah in a summary lol IS TEAM MIRACULOUS GOING TO WIN OR TEAM CRAZY PEOPLE GOING TO WIN?! Comment down below on whatcha think :)

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